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J4  2009, Vol. 43 Issue (10): 1761-11765    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2009.10.003
(浙江大学 机械与能源工程学院,浙江 杭州 310027)
Saddle point programming based level-posture evaluation method for aircraft wings
ZHANG Bin,YAO Bao-guo,KE Ying-lin
(College of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China)
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During the level-posture alignment for the aircraft wings, it is required to evaluate the posture through measuring the coordinates of the feature points with a laser-tracking system and measuring the heights of the level-measuring points with a linear displacement transducer. An evaluation model based on the saddle point programming was proposed according to the minimum condition principle in the geometric error evaluation theory, and the model was solved with the singular value decomposition (SVD) and the simplex method. Both the precision requirements for the positions of the feature points and the heights of the level-measuring points were considered in the model. The precision of the level-measuring points heights was indirectly guaranteed by that of the pseudo level-measuring points, which were actually measured by the linear displacement transducer. Simulation shows that the evaluated posture using the model reaches high precision and can well represent the posture of the wings.

出版日期: 2009-11-29
:  V 262.4  
通讯作者: 柯映林, 男, 教授.     E-mail:
作者简介: 张斌(1981-), 男, 江苏通州人, 博士生, 主要从事机器人学与运动控制理论方面的研究.
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张斌, 姚宝国, 柯映林. 基于鞍点规划理论的机翼水平位姿评估方法[J]. J4, 2009, 43(10): 1761-11765.

ZHANG Bin, TAO Bao-Guo, KE Yang-Lin. Saddle point programming based level-posture evaluation method for aircraft wings. J4, 2009, 43(10): 1761-11765.


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