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浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)  2019, Vol. 45 Issue (4): 426-433    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-9209.2018.06.191
云南省林业和草原科学院森林保护研究所,昆明 650201
Preliminary study on the attractant of egg-laying females of Cephalica chuxiongnica Xiao (Hymenoptera: Pamphiliidae)
Zhengliang YAN(),Huifen MA,Yunling MAO,ling LIU,Guanghui HU
Institute of Forest Protection, Yunnan Academy of Forestry and Grassland, Kunming 650201, China
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为了探索严重危害云南松等松属植物的楚雄腮扁叶蜂(Cephalcia chuxiongica Xiao)雌蜂聚集产卵和幼虫聚集取食的化学机制,利用Y型嗅觉仪测试了楚雄腮扁叶蜂雌蜂对相关气味源的趋向反应。单向选择试验结果表明:未交尾雌蜂对松针和带卵松针粗提液的挥发物具有明显趋向反应,但对松针、带卵松针、未交尾雌蜂产卵器和已交尾雌蜂产卵器的淋洗液未做出趋向反应;已交尾雌蜂对松针淋洗液、未交尾雌蜂产卵器淋洗液没有表现出趋向反应,但可被松针粗提液、带卵松针粗提液和淋洗液、已交尾雌蜂产卵器淋洗液所引诱。双向选择试验表明,与松针淋洗液及未交尾雌蜂产卵器淋洗液相比,已交尾雌蜂更趋向于带卵松针淋洗液和已交尾雌蜂产卵器淋洗液。根据试验结果可以推测:1)松针挥发性物质在楚雄腮扁叶蜂已交尾雌蜂的寄主搜寻和选择中发挥作用;2)产卵雌蜂生殖副腺分泌物(包括新卵表面附着的分泌物)是引诱楚雄腮扁叶蜂雌蜂聚集在同一个松梢上产卵的活性物质。

关键词: 楚雄腮扁叶蜂已交尾雌蜂聚集产卵趋向反应    

Cephalcia chuxiongica Xiao (Hymenoptera: Pamphiliidae) is one of the most dangerous defoliators of Pinus yunnanensis Franch. and other pine species in Yunnan Province, resulting in serious losses. Its damage characteristics are the females’ aggregation of oviposition and larvae’s aggregation of feeding. In order to explore the chemical mechanism of the aggregation of oviposition, olfactory responses of the females to odors of pine needles and insect ovipositors were tested by means of Y-olfactory meter. In one-way choice tests, unmated females tended to the extracts of fresh needles with or without fresh eggs, but they did not tend to the eluents of fresh needles with or without fresh eggs, and the eluents both of unmated and mated female ovipositors. The mated females tended neither to the eluent of fresh needles nor to the eluent of unmated female ovipositors, but could be attracted by the crude extracts of fresh needles with or without fresh eggs, the eluent of fresh needles with fresh eggs and the eluent of mated female ovipositors. In two-way choice tests, the mated females showed tendency to the eluent of fresh needles with fresh eggs and the eluent of mated female ovipositors, neither to the eluent of fresh needles nor to the eluent of unmated female ovipositors. Based on the results, we conclude: 1) The volatiles in host needles play an important role in the females’ host search and selection; 2) the critical factor that attracts the mated females to aggregate to one pine shoot for oviposition is the volatile from the accessory genital glands of the pioneer egg-laying female.

Key words: Cephalcia chuxiongica Xiao    mated females    aggregation of oviposition    approach response
收稿日期: 2018-06-19 出版日期: 2019-09-17
CLC:  S 763  
基金资助: 国家重点研发计划(2017YFD0600104);云南省应用基础研究重点项目(2011FA027)
通讯作者: 闫争亮     E-mail:
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闫争亮,马惠芬,毛云玲,刘凌,胡光辉. 楚雄腮扁叶蜂聚集产卵引诱物质初探[J]. 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 2019, 45(4): 426-433.

Zhengliang YAN,Huifen MA,Yunling MAO,ling LIU,Guanghui HU. Preliminary study on the attractant of egg-laying females of Cephalica chuxiongnica Xiao (Hymenoptera: Pamphiliidae). Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture and Life Sciences), 2019, 45(4): 426-433.


图1  未交尾雌蜂和已交尾雌蜂对云南松松针粗提液的趋向反应
图2  未交尾雌蜂和已交尾雌蜂对云南松带卵松针粗提液的趋向反应
图3  未交尾雌蜂和已交尾雌蜂对云南松松针淋洗液的趋向反应
图4  未交尾雌蜂和已交尾雌蜂对云南松带卵松针淋洗液的趋向反应
图5  未交尾雌蜂和已交尾雌蜂对未交尾雌蜂产卵器淋洗液的趋向反应
图6  未交尾雌蜂和已交尾雌蜂对已交尾雌蜂产卵器淋洗液的趋向反应
图7  已交尾雌蜂对新鲜松针、带卵松针的粗提液和淋洗液的趋向反应对比
图8  已交尾雌蜂对新鲜松针淋洗液和其他不同淋洗液气味源的趋向反应
图9  已交尾雌蜂对带卵松针淋洗液与其他淋洗液气味源的趋向反应
图10  已交尾雌蜂对未交尾雌蜂和已交尾雌蜂产卵器淋洗液的趋向反应
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