2004年 30卷 4期
刊出日期 2004-07-12

355 Ngueko R B  沈瑛  王洪凯  林福呈  徐同
2001年在湖南省安化,桃江和松柏3县稻瘟病圃内采集稻瘟病标样并分离鉴别其交配型和中国稻瘟病菌的致病型.用经过筛选的13对RAPD引物分析了其中44个菌株的遗传多样性,采用UPGMA法聚类,用DPS 2000软件进行分析,将测试菌株区分为6个不同的遗传宗谱,在遗传距离<8.42处的遗传宗谱Ⅳ和Ⅴ的优势群体中,分别包含11个菌株,而归属于宗谱Ⅲ的仅包含有1个具有特殊遗传背景的菌株.交配型1.1和交配型1.2的中国不同致病型菌株可归属为同一宗谱,在同一遗传宗谱内又可存在不同的生理小种.研究结果证实了湖南省病圃稻瘟病菌的遗传多样性和致病复杂性.
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 355-362 [摘要] ( 1307 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 437KB] ( 751 )
363 宋文坚  楼健  胡晋  曹栋栋  周伟军
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 363-368 [摘要] ( 1576 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 432KB] ( 826 )
369 ANTIHUS Hernández Gómez  ANNIA García Pereira  何勇
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 369-374 [摘要] ( 1537 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 470KB] ( 1133 )
375 林冬  陈大明  严旭东  朱诚
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 375-382 [摘要] ( 1638 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 602KB] ( 1254 )
385 Chet I  Shoresh M  Yedidia I  Viterbo A
Mechanisms involved in biocontrol and plant induced resistance by Trichoderna asperellun (T. harzianum T-203)
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 385-385 [摘要] ( 1138 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 58KB] ( 858 )
386 Christian P Kubicek 
Phylogeny and biodiversity of Trichoderma and Hypocrea and its implications on taxonomy
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 386-386 [摘要] ( 1127 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 48KB] ( 694 )
387 Matteo Lorito
Novel understanding of Trichoderma interaction mechanisms
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 387-387 [摘要] ( 991 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 72KB] ( 674 )
388 Gary Harman 
New advances in the science and use of Trichoderma spp.
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 388-388 [摘要] ( 1091 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 63KB] ( 695 )
389 ZHANG Ke-qin  ZHAO Ming-lan 
Recent advance of nematophagous fungi from China and with a special case on Clonostachys rosea (Gliocladium roseum)
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 389-389 [摘要] ( 1150 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 60KB] ( 647 )
390 Casas S  Cortés C  Ríos M  Rosales T  Bibbins M  Olmedo V  Herrera-Estrella A 
Vision and development in Trichoderma atroviride
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 390-390 [摘要] ( 1100 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 75KB] ( 586 )
391 Abdullah F  Ilias G N M
Application of Trichoderma harzianum in the control of basal stem rot of oil palms
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 391-391 [摘要] ( 1174 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 70KB] ( 758 )
392 Duong Minh  Jozef Coosemans  Le Lam Cuong  Ester Vandersmissen  Pham Van Kim
Antagonism of local isolates of Trichoderna spp. on citrus root rot disease by Fusarium solani in the mekong delta of vietnam
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 392-392 [摘要] ( 1175 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 42KB] ( 634 )
393 Grosch R  Faltin F  Lottmann J  Kofoet A  Berg G
Assessment and selection of fungal antagonists against Rhizoctonia solani
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 393-393 [摘要] ( 1139 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 73KB] ( 590 )
394 Kolombet L V  Sokolov M S  Chuprina V P  Schisler D A  Samuels G J
Preparation on the basis of Trichoderma asperellum in the system of biological protection of wheat from Fusarium ear scab
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 394-395 [摘要] ( 1040 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 121KB] ( 670 )
396 LU Hai-ju  ZHANG Yun-xiang  LIU Yun-long
Screening of Trichoderna harzianum mutants tolerant to carbendazim and UV-light
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 396-396 [摘要] ( 985 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 48KB] ( 636 )
397 Mette Lübeck  Inge M B Knudsen  Birgit Jensen  Mojtaba Mamarabadi  Dan Funck Jen
Towards understanding the ecology and mechanisms of biocontrol of Clonostachys rosea IK726
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 397-397 [摘要] ( 1050 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 73KB] ( 661 )
398 Sokolov M S  Kolombet L V
Biological protection of plants in agricultular landscape--state of the art,problems and ways of their decision
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 398-400 [摘要] ( 990 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 214KB] ( 763 )
401 Linda Gordon Hjeljord  Arne Tronsmo
Nutrient activation of Trichoderma fungal spores for improved biocontrol activity
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 401-401 [摘要] ( 1185 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 77KB] ( 950 )
402 Geun Gon Kim  Young Ryun Chung 
Colonization and degradation of senescent flowers of zucchini squash by Trichoderma harzianum YC459, a biocontrol agent of gray mold, Botrytis cinerea
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 402-402 [摘要] ( 1199 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 62KB] ( 885 )
403 ZHUANG Jing-hua  GAO Zeng-gui  YANG Chang-cheng  LIU Xian  CHEN Jie
Effect of microelement and chemical fungicides on biocontrol effect of Trichoderma T23
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 403-403 [摘要] ( 1064 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 72KB] ( 670 )
404 Seidl V  Schmoll M  Scherm B  Balmas V  Seiboth B  Migheli Q  Kubicek C P
Use of Hypocrea jecorina (anamorph Trichoderma reesei) as a model system for Trichoderma biocontrol of Pythium blight identifies new targets for genetic strain improvement
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 404-404 [摘要] ( 1026 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 76KB] ( 663 )
405 LIU Kai-qi  XIANG Mei-mei  LIU Ren  ZENG Yong-san  ZHOU Hong-zi  YU Jin-feng  JI
Screening of Trichoderma strains tolerant to benzimidazole
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 405-405 [摘要] ( 1039 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 56KB] ( 713 )
406 ZHANG Yue-li  LIU Kai-qi  XIANG Mei-mei  LIU Ren 
Studies on the control of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense with Trichoderma
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 406-406 [摘要] ( 1053 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 43KB] ( 645 )
407 Kirstin L McLean  John S Hunt  Alison Stewart 
Commercial development of Trichoderma species for control of soil-borne vegetable diseases and their integration into standard crop management practices
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 407-407 [摘要] ( 1033 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 88KB] ( 1166 )
408 Szakacs G  Tavaszi A
Trichoderma spp. capable of growing at low temperatures with biocontrol potential
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 408-408 [摘要] ( 1010 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 53KB] ( 806 )
409 Miguel Obregón-Gómez
Use of Trichoderma spp. on soil microbiology improvement for organic agriculture in Costa Rica
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 409-409 [摘要] ( 1021 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 67KB] ( 759 )
410 Monte E  Rodríguez A  Rey M  Axpilicueta A  Gómez M I  de la Vina G  Grondona I 
Applications of Trichoderma formulations in crop protection
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 410-410 [摘要] ( 1018 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 73KB] ( 770 )
411 ZHANG Jing-ze  TU Yan-la
Antagnism of three strains of Trichoderma spp. against mycelial growth of Rhizoctonia salani
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 411-411 [摘要] ( 1086 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 46KB] ( 646 )
412 ZHANG Yong-hua  MA Gui-zhen  GAO Hui-lan  LI Shi-dong 
Mycoparasitism of Gliocladium isolates in China Mycoparasitism of Gliocladium isolates in China
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 412-413 [摘要] ( 1041 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 109KB] ( 791 )
414 Ruocco M  Pane F  Ritieni A  Lanzuise S  Ambrosino P  Marra R  Woo S L  Ciliento
Use of Trichoderma spp. for biological control of the livestock feed ontaminant fungus Fusarium proliferatum
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 414-414 [摘要] ( 1118 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 56KB] ( 741 )
415 LIANG Chen  LI Bao-du  LU Guo-zhong 
Gliocladium and Trichoderma in agricultural soil
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 415-415 [摘要] ( 1099 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 46KB] ( 738 )
416 LIU Shi-wang  GUO Ze-jian 
Construction of biological control strain of Trichoderma viride and study of their ability to induce plant disease resistance
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 416-417 [摘要] ( 1027 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 129KB] ( 649 )
418 Robert L Mach  Brunner Kurt  Matteo Lorito  Susanne Zeilinger  Rosalia Ciliento 
Heterologous expression of the glucose oxidase gene in Trichoderma atroviride leads enhanced ability to attack phytopathogenic fungi and induction of plant systemic disease resistance
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 418-418 [摘要] ( 984 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 66KB] ( 614 )
419 LIU Xian  ZHUANG Jing-hua  GAO Zeng-gui  YANG Chang-cheng  CHEN Jie 
Construction of engineering Trichoderma strains and their characteristics against tomato gray mold
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 419-420 [摘要] ( 984 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 122KB] ( 695 )
421 Woo S L  Formisano E  Fogliano V  Cosenza C  Mauro A  Turrà D  Soriente I  Ferra
Factors that contribute to the mycoparasitism stimulus in Trichoderma atroviride strain P1
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 421-421 [摘要] ( 1122 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 83KB] ( 609 )
422 Ruocco M  Lanzuise S  Woo S L  Ambrosino P  Marra R  Turrà D  Gigante S  Formisn
The Trichoderma-plant interaction is mediated by avirulence proteins produced by this fungus
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 422-422 [摘要] ( 1111 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 71KB] ( 744 )
423 Ciliento R  Woo S L  Di Benedetto P  Ruocco M  Scala F  Soriente I  Ferraioli S 
Genetic improvement of Trichoderma ability to induce systemic resistance
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 423-423 [摘要] ( 1018 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 75KB] ( 795 )
424 d'Aquino L  Carboni M  Woo S L  Morgana M  Nardi L  Lorito M
Effect of rare earth application on the growth of Trichoderma spp. and several plant pathogenic fungi
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 424-424 [摘要] ( 1001 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 66KB] ( 733 )
425 Francesco Vinale  Gaetano D' Ambrosio  Khalid Abadi  Felice Scala  Roberta Marra
Application of Trichoderma harzianum (T22) and Trichoderma atroviride (P1) as plant growth promoters, and their compatibility with copper oxychloride
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 425-425 [摘要] ( 1396 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 56KB] ( 2269 )
426 DAI Fu-ming  XU Tong 
Transformation of Arabidopsis thaliana via Agrobacterium tumefacience with an endochitinase gene from Trichoderma, and enhanced resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 426-426 [摘要] ( 980 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 41KB] ( 648 )
427 LIU Bing-jiang  LIU Run-jin 
Physiological mechanisms involved in resistance to cotton verticillium wilt induced by AM fungi
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 427-427 [摘要] ( 1059 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 68KB] ( 688 )
428 Jihong Liu Clarke  Arne Tronsmo  Nicholas Clarke  Sonja Sletner Klemsdal 
Quantification of the expression of chitinolytic enzyme encoding genes ech30, ech42 and nag1 in Trichoderma atroviride P1 under varying growth conditions using a real-time RT-PCR assay
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 428-428 [摘要] ( 920 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 60KB] ( 558 )
429 LIU Kai-qi  XIANG Mei-mei  LIU Ren  ZENG Yong-san  YANG Yong  YU Jin-feng  JIANG
Effect of Trichoderma viride on activities of polygalacturonase of Rhizoctonia
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 429-429 [摘要] ( 1125 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 70KB] ( 534 )
430 LIU Kai-qi  XIANG Mei-mei  LIU Ren  ZENG Yong-san  LI Hua  JIANG Xin-yin  ZHANG
Study on the character of chitinase produced by Trichoderna spp. with measuring reducing sugar
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 430-430 [摘要] ( 1044 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 34KB] ( 541 )
431 Robert L Mach  Elisabeth Würleitner  Astrid R Stricker  Roman Rauscher  Christia
Regulatory puzzle of xyn1 gene (xylanase1) expression in Trichoderma reesei
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 431-431 [摘要] ( 1241 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 72KB] ( 467 )
432 Marc Claeyssens 
Structure/function relationships in cellulolytic enzymes
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 432-432 [摘要] ( 1013 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 49KB] ( 412 )
433 Szakacs G  Megyeri L  Kovacs K  Zacchi G
Selection of Trichoderma mutants with enhanced cellulase production and resistant to catabolite repression
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 433-433 [摘要] ( 1048 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 61KB] ( 419 )
434 Krisztina Kovacs  Gyorgy Szakacs  Tunde Pusztahelyi  Ashok Pandey
Production of chitinolytic enzymes with Trichoderma longibrachiatum IMI 92027 in solid substrate fermentation
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 434-434 [摘要] ( 1002 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 61KB] ( 426 )
435 Viviana Nagy
Production of chitinases with Trichoderma harzianun isolates using solid substrate fermentation
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 435-435 [摘要] ( 954 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 52KB] ( 487 )
436 Krisztina Kovacs,George Szakacs, Lew Christopher
Xylanase production by Trichoderma strains in solid substrate fermentation
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 436-436 [摘要] ( 1122 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 59KB] ( 476 )
437 Anita Losonczi  George Szakacs  Emilia Csiszar  Outi Kareela 
Enzymes of Trichoderma and other origin in biopreparation of cotton
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 437-437 [摘要] ( 1077 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 61KB] ( 576 )
438 LI Jun  HUANG Xiao-wei  ZHANG Ke-qin 
Purification and characterization of an extracellular protease from Clonostachys rosea
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 438-438 [摘要] ( 1043 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 43KB] ( 393 )
439 SHEN Qing-tao  CHEN Xiu-lan  SUN Cai-yun  ZHANG Yu-zhong 
Isolation, purification and identification of three peptaibols from Trichoderma koningii with antibiotic activity against Ralstonia solancearum
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 439-439 [摘要] ( 998 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 43KB] ( 389 )
440 Gary E Harmant  James Lynch  Matteo Lorito 
Use of Trichoderma spp. in remediation of polluted soils and waters
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 440-440 [摘要] ( 1116 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 59KB] ( 1026 )
441 CHEN Jie  Gary G Harman  Alfio Comis 
Proteomics related to the biocontrol of Pythium damping off in maize with Trichoderma harzianum
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 441-441 [摘要] ( 998 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 75KB] ( 433 )
442 Johanna Steyaert  Travis Glare  Alison Stewart  Margaret Carpenter  Hayley Ridgw
Genetic regulation of conidiation in Trichoderma hamatun
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 442-442 [摘要] ( 1234 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 76KB] ( 492 )
443 CHEN Jian-ai  WANG Wei-ming 
Study on culturing Trichodema mutants
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 443-443 [摘要] ( 953 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 36KB] ( 561 )
444 Benjiamin A Horwitz 
Variations on conserved signaling pathways in biocontrol and development:G protein and MAPK genes of Trichoderma. atroviride and T. virens
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 444-444 [摘要] ( 943 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 55KB] ( 630 )
445 CHEN Jian-ai  WANG Wei-ming 
Study on the effect of different nutrients on the growth of a Trichoderma aureoviride mutant
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 445-445 [摘要] ( 1009 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 37KB] ( 436 )
446 ZHU Ting-heng  WANG Wei-xia  WANG Chang-chun  YANG Rui-qin  CAI Xin-zhong 
Using of green fluorescent reporter gene (GFP) to monitor the fate of Fusarium moniliforme mycoparasitized by Trichoderma viride
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 446-446 [摘要] ( 937 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 54KB] ( 477 )
447 Liu Mei  Sun Zong-Xiu  Zhu Jie  Xu Tong  Gary E Harman  Matteo Lorito  Sheri Woo
Rice transformation with cell wall degrading enzyme genes from Trichoderma atroviride and its effect on plant growth and resistance to fungal pathogens
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 447-447 [摘要] ( 986 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 67KB] ( 512 )
448 Susanne Zeilinger  Barbara Reithner  Kurt Brunner  Valeria Scala  Isabel Peiβl 
G protein signalling involved in host recognition and mycoparasitismrelated chitinase expression in Trichoderma atroviride
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 448-448 [摘要] ( 1031 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 66KB] ( 430 )
448 Susanne Zeilinger  Barbara Reithner  Kurt Brunner  Valeria Scala  Isabel Peiβl 
G protein signalling involved in host recognition and mycoparasitismrelated chitinase expression in Trichoderma atroviride
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 448-448 [摘要] ( 918 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 87KB] ( 778 )
450 Lanzuise S  Ruocco M  Scala V  Catapano L  Woo S  Ciliento R  Ferraioli S  Sorie
Cloning of first abc transporter encoding gene from Trichoderma spp. and its expression during stress and mycoparasitism
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 450-450 [摘要] ( 959 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 61KB] ( 523 )
451 Zeilinger S  Ambrosino P  Brunner K  Reithner B  Mach R L  Woo S L  Cristilli M 
Study of signal transduction factors involved in mycoparasitic response of Trichoderma atroviride
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 451-451 [摘要] ( 973 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 74KB] ( 594 )
452 Ambrosino P  Scala V  Marra R  Vinale F  Soriente I  Ferraioli S  Carbone V  Ruo
Extracellular proteome of Trichoderma harzianum to identify proteins with biotechnological value
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 452-452 [摘要] ( 1090 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 81KB] ( 459 )
453 Monte E  Hermosa M R  González F J  Rey M  Cardoza R E  Gutiérrez S  Delgado Jar
Functional genomic approach to the study of biodiversitywithin Trichoderma
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 453-453 [摘要] ( 1106 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 68KB] ( 410 )
454 Margaret Carpenter  Alison Stewart  Hayley Ridgway 
Identification of novel Trichoderma hamatum genes expressed during mycoparasitism
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 454-454 [摘要] ( 999 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 52KB] ( 537 )
455 Li S  Bramley P M  Smith J  Cannon P F
Proteomic mapping of secreted proteins of Trichoderma spp.
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 455-455 [摘要] ( 959 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 35KB] ( 455 )
456 John Bissett  Carol Ann Nolan 
Analysis of phenotype array data from Biolog MicroPlatesTM
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 456-456 [摘要] ( 1066 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 49KB] ( 524 )
457 Sanz L  Hermosa M R  González F J  Monte E
Cell wall degrading isoenzyme profiles of Trichoderma biocontrol strains show correlation with rDNA species
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 457-457 [摘要] ( 920 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 66KB] ( 522 )
458 Druzhinina I S  Kubicek C P
')" href="#"> Bayesian inference towards the resolution of molecular evolution:application to the "Trichoderma harzianum sensu lato" clade
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 458-458 [摘要] ( 988 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 85KB] ( 402 )
459 Szakacs G  Nagy V  Kovacs K
Are mycoparasitism and chitinase production species or isolate dependent in Trichoderma ?
The relationship between taxonomic status of Trichoderma spp., chitinase production in solid substrate fermentation (SSF) on four media and mycoparasitism in dual culture (confrontation assay)against four plant pathogenic fungi was studied. Seventy five Trichoderma isolates belonging to 35species have been screened. The plant pathogenic fungi used in confrontation assay were Botrytis cinerea , Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi , Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum . The SSF media contained wheat bran, crude chitin (from crab shells, SIGMA) and salt solutions. The best performing isolates in mycoparasitism tests were Trichoderma flavofuscum, T. harzianum, T.inhamatum, T. koningii and T. strigosum. Some isolates exhibiting good mycoparasitism produced chitinase in SSF only at low or medium level. In contrary there were isolates with excellent extracellular chitinase production but their biocontrol potential did not belong to the leading group.Statistical methods have been used to evaluate the data.……
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 459-459 [摘要] ( 886 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 41KB] ( 508 )
460 Mercatelli Elisabetta  Pecchia Susanna  Ciliegi Sandro  Vannacci Giovanni 
Sequence analysis of rDNA intergenic spacer region (IGS) as a tool for phylogenetic studies in Trichoderma spp.
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 460-461 [摘要] ( 1070 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 108KB] ( 560 )
462 Doostmorad Zafari
Trichoderma species collected from Iran
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 462-462 [摘要] ( 1068 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 46KB] ( 478 )
463 Mette Lübeck 
Universally Primed PCR (UP-PCR) and its applications for taxonomy in Trichoderma
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 463-463 [摘要] ( 1023 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 46KB] ( 573 )
464 ZHANG Chu-long  XU Tong 
Trichoderma species from China
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 464-464 [摘要] ( 1173 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 54KB] ( 664 )
465 Szakacs G
Biodiversity of Trichoderma spp. in TUB culture collection
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 465-465 [摘要] ( 851 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 48KB] ( 449 )
466 Sarah L Dodd  Alison Stewart
Biodiversity and distribution of Hypocrea/Trichoderma species in New Zealand
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 466-466 [摘要] ( 944 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 67KB] ( 685 )
467 ZHAO Zhi-hui  SUN Xiao-dong  YANG Rui-xiu  YANG Hong  LU Guo-zhong 
Diversity of Trichoderma in greenhouse soil
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 467-467 [摘要] ( 955 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 40KB] ( 636 )
468 YU Ze-fen  ZHANG Ke-qin
Population dynamics of Trichoderma species in the rhizosphere of tobacco and four species form China
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 468-468 [摘要] ( 1024 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 47KB] ( 469 )
469 Woo S L  Di Benedetto P  Senatore M  Abadi K  Gigante S  Soriente I  Ferraioli S
Identification and characterization of Trichoderma species aggressive to Pleurotus in Italy
2004 Vol. 30 (4): 469-470 [摘要] ( 1661 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 104KB] ( 779 )

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