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Two-step filtering based time series similarity search
CAI Qing lin, CHEN Ling, MEI Han lei, SUN Jian ling
College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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A two-step filtering based search model was proposed in order to solve the problms that existing approximated search models have the poor controllability on the accuracy and have the low efficiency at the post-processing step. The symbolic aggregate approximation (SAX) method was employed to extract the symbolic feature vectors from time series. The high-dimensional time series was projected into the low-dimensional feature space. The symbolic feature vectors were saved as the form of vector approximation file (VA-File), and the efficient inverted index was introduced. A heuristic query and filtering algorithm was proposed at the procedure of searching in order to perform the first filtering, and an efficient boundary pruning method was proposed over the VA-File to reach the second filtering. The model can effectively control the search accuracy by the SAX feature vectors with multiple precision. Experimental results show that the proposed model has the efficient performance and the robust scalability on the series length, the kNN query scale and the dataset size.

Published: 23 July 2016
CLC:  TP 39  
Cite this article:

CAI Qing lin, CHEN Ling, MEI Han lei, SUN Jian ling. Two-step filtering based time series similarity search. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 2016, 50(7): 1290-1297.

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