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J4  2011, Vol. 45 Issue (1): 50-58    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2011.01.008
Review of AC asynchronous motor speed control strategy
DING Hui, HU Xie-he
Institute of CyberSystems and Control, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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Variable voltage variable frequency (VVVF) speed control strategies were researched based on the mathematical model of alternating current (AC) asynchronous motor in order to achieve more accurate speed control of AC induction motor. The early control methods of induction motor based on the steady-state model were simply summarized. Three mature control schemes based on the dynamic model were introduced. The application of modern control theory in AC asynchronous motor speed control system was analyzed. Finally, the future development direction of AC speed control strategy was given. Traditional strategies were  maturely utilized in industrial field, but the modern control theory and advanced control algorithms still have vast potential for future development.

Published: 03 March 2011
CLC:  TP 271.4  
  TM 343  
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DING Hui, HU Xie-he. Review of AC asynchronous motor speed control strategy. J4, 2011, 45(1): 50-58.

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为了更精确地实现交流异步电动机调速, 基于交流异步电动机的数学模型论述异步电动机变压变频(VVVF)调速系统的各种控制策略.总结早期的基于异步电机稳态模型的控制策略, 介绍3种较成熟的基于动态模型的控制策略, 分析现代控制理论在交流异步电动机调速系统中的应用, 展望交流调速控制策略的发展方向. 传统的控制策略在工业现场中的应用已经较为成熟,各种现代控制策略和先进控制算法则有广阔的发展前景.

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