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J4  2010, Vol. 44 Issue (3): 432-439    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008973X.2010.03.004
Rolling bearing fault diagnosis based on morphological
wavelet theory and bispectrum analysis
 LIN Yong, ZHOU Xiao-Jun, ZHANG Wen-Bin, YANG Xian-Yong
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The nonlinear waveletmorphological wavelet is introduced into the field of vibration signal processing to explore methods that can process effectively both Gauss noise and nonGauss noise based on the routine of bispectrum analysis. Morphological wavelet packet was developed and its analysis and synthesis steps were described, to perfect the morphological wavelet theory. On the basis of excellent denoising effects of morphological wavelet packet, three kinds of cascaded algorithms were put forward based on the morphological wavelet packet, Hilbert envelope analysis and bispectrum analysis, that is morphological wavelet packetbispectrum, morphological wavelet packetHilbertbispectrum and Hilbertmorphological wavelet packet bispectrum.These three algorithms showed good inhibition for Gauss noise and nonGauss noise. Hilbertmorphological wavelet packet bispectrum algorithm especially unfolds best adaptability. Results in rolling bearing signal processing show that Hilbertmorphological wavelet packetbispectrum algorithm can tell bearing fault of different components and different fault degree from each other clearly.

Published: 20 March 2012
CLC:  TP277  
Cite this article:

LIN Yong, ZHOU Xiao-Jun, ZHANG Wen-Bin, YANG Xian-Yong. Rolling bearing fault diagnosis based on morphological
wavelet theory and bispectrum analysis. J4, 2010, 44(3): 432-439.

URL:973X.2010.03.004     OR



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