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Applicability of middle and high-temperature susceptibility evaluation method for high-viscosity asphalt
HUANG Zhi-yi, HU Xiao-yu, WANG Jin-chang, ZHANG Jun-shen
Institute of Transportation Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
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High-viscosity modified asphalt was prepared using a new type of directed high-viscosity modifier, and the temperature susceptibility of high-viscosity modified asphalt, SBS-modified asphalt and base asphalt in the middle and high-temperature interval were evaluated using penetration index (PI), penetration-viscosity number (PVN), viscosity-temperature susceptibility (VTS), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). On this basis, the improved susceptibility mechanism of the high-viscosity modified asphalt in the middle and high-temperature interval was analyzed by a four-component test, and the applicability of the DSC method to the evaluation of temperature susceptibility performance was also investigated. The results show that the temperature susceptibility performance of high-viscosity asphalt was related to the temperature interval. Among the three types of asphalt, the temperature susceptibility of the high-viscosity asphalt was the weakest in the range 5~60 ℃, while its susceptibility became the strongest at 60~175 ℃. After treating with the high-viscosity modifier, the proportion of the light components which are sensitive to temperature decreased, thus enhancing the high-temperature susceptibility and stability of asphalt. Besides, DSC could be used to evaluate the susceptibility of asphalt in the middle and high-temperature interval, compensating the deficiency of PI and PVN in actual applications.

Published: 01 August 2015
CLC:  TU 416.217  
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HUANG Zhi-yi, HU Xiao-yu, WANG Jin-chang, ZHANG Jun-shen. Applicability of middle and high-temperature susceptibility evaluation method for high-viscosity asphalt. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 2015, 49(8): 1448-1454.

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利用新型直投式高黏改性剂制备高黏度改性沥青,采用针入度指数(PI)、针入度黏度指数(PVN)、黏温指数(VTS)和差示扫描量热试验(DSC)评价高黏沥青、SBS改性沥青和基质沥青中高温区间的感温性能,结合4组分试验分析高黏改性剂对沥青中高温区间感温性能的改善机理,并对DSC评价感温性能的适用性进行讨论.结果表明:高黏沥青感温性能与温度区间有关,在3种沥青中,5~60 ℃,高黏沥青的感温性最弱,60~175 ℃,高黏沥青的感温性最强;高黏改性剂改性后,沥青中对温度较为敏感的轻质组分比例减少,沥青的中高温感温性和高温稳定性得到显著改善;DSC可评价沥青中高温区间的感温性能,弥补PI、PVN指标适用性上的不足.

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