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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2019, Vol. 53 Issue (5): 829-836    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2019.05.002
Construction approach for control flow graph from binaries using hybrid analysis
Kai-long ZHU(),YU-liang LU*(),Hui HUANG,Zhao-kun DENG,Yi-jie DENG
Electronic Countermeasure College, National University of Defense Technology, Hefei 230000, China
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The construction of control flow graph (CFG) was the basis of binary program analysis. A hybrid analysis approach combining static and dynamic analysis techniques was proposed, for the problems that the static construction method cannot handle the indirect jump cases and dynamic construction methods were inefficient and not suitable for large-scale programs. The static analysis technique was used to obtain the basic control flow of the target program. Test cases generated by fuzz testing were used to dynamically analyze the target program, during which a dynamic binary instrumentation technique was used to obtain information of indirect jumps. Finally, the analysis results in the former two steps were integrated to generate CFGs. A CFG construction system CFGConstructor targeting on x86 binaries was designed and implemented based on the proposed hybrid analysis method. Experiments were carried out on the sample programs and CGC dataset to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency. Results show that the proposed approach can construct more complete CFGs than static analysis do, and is more efficient than dynamic analysis, capable to analyze large programs.

Key wordsbinary analysis      control flow graph (CFG)      hybrid analysis technology      fuzz testing      dynamic binary instrumentation     
Received: 19 April 2018      Published: 17 May 2019
CLC:  TP 311  
Corresponding Authors: YU-liang LU     E-mail:;
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Kai-long ZHU,YU-liang LU,Hui HUANG,Zhao-kun DENG,Yi-jie DENG. Construction approach for control flow graph from binaries using hybrid analysis. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2019, 53(5): 829-836.

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构建控制流图(CFG)是二进制程序分析的基础工作,针对静态构建方法无法处理间接跳转,动态构建方法效率低、不适用于大规模程序的问题,提出结合静态分析和动态分析的混合分析方法. 使用静态分析获得基础的控制流信息;采用模糊测试生成测试用例以进行动态分析,利用动态插桩获得间接跳转信息;融合静态分析和动态分析结果生成控制流图. 基于该混合分析方法,设计并实现了面向x86平台二进制程序的控制流图构建工具CFGConstructor. 分别在示例程序和CGC数据集上进行实验,评估该工具的有效性和性能. 实验结果表明CFGConstructor相比于静态分析能够构建更加完备的控制流图,相比于动态分析分析效率更高,能够适用于大规模程序.

关键词: 二进制程序分析,  控制流图(CFG),  混合分析技术,  模糊测试,  动态二进制插桩 
Fig.1 Source code and assembly code of sample program virtual_function
Fig.2 Source code and assembly code of sample program function_pointer
Fig.3 Architecture of CFG construction tool CFGConstructor
Fig.4 Addition of indirect jumps to CFG
Fig.5 CFGs of sample programs constructing by IDA and CFGConstructor
二进制程序 $\left| {{F_{\rm{i}}}} \right|$ $\left| {{V_{\rm{i}}}} \right|$ $\left| {{E_{\rm{i}}}} \right|$ $\left| {{F_{\rm{c}}}} \right|$ $\left| {{V_{\rm{c}}}} \right|$ $\left| {{E_{\rm{c}}}} \right|$ $I$
virtual_function 5 9 8 8 24 27 2
function_pointer 4 11 12 8 27 33 3
Tab.1 Analyzing results on sample programs by IDA and CFGConstructor
二进制程序 S/KB $\left| {{F_{\rm{i}}}} \right|$ $\left| {{V_{\rm{i}}}} \right|$ $\left| {{E_{\rm{i}}}} \right|$ $\left| {{F_{\rm{c}}}} \right|$ $\left| {{V_{\rm{c}}}} \right|$ $\left| {{E_{\rm{c}}}} \right|$ $I$ ${\displaystyle\frac{{\left| {{F_{\rm{c}}} - {F_{\rm{i}}}} \right|}}{{\left| {{F_{\rm{i}}}} \right|}}}\Big/$% ${\displaystyle\frac{{\left| {{V_{\rm{c}}} - {V_{\rm{i}}}} \right|}}{{\left| {{V_{\rm{i}}}} \right|}}}\Big/$% ${\displaystyle\frac{{\left| {{E_{\rm{c}}} - {E_{\rm{i}}}} \right|}}{{\left| {{E_{\rm{i}}}} \right|}}}\Big/$%
pwns 6 17 99 113 19 112 150 8 11.76 13.13 32.74
fsb 8 9 19 20 11 32 38 1 22.22 68.42 90.00
silver_bullet 22 18 102 148 20 115 166 3 11.11 12.75 12.16
ret2shellcode 86 40 72 86 64 102 135 2 35.00 16.67 30.23
pwn250 716 362 14 540 23 038 394 18 742 29 526 370 8.84 28.90 28.16
pwn300 727 453 19 193 28 473 495 20 015 30 461 40 9.27 4.28 6.98
平均值 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 12.62 24.72 33.38
Tab.2 Analyzing results on CGC dataset by IDA and CFGConstructor
二进制程序 S/KB T t/s
第1次 第2次 第3次 平均值
pwns 6 104 56.12 56.86 58.72 57.23
fsb 8 2 0.70 0.72 0.71 0.71
silver-bullet 22 93 38.48 38.38 38.61 38.49
ret2she-llcode 86 80 28.58 29.15 29.01 28.91
pwn250 716 45 11.11 11.18 11.27 11.19
pwn300 727 321 83.09 82.22 81.95 82.42
Tab.3 Timecost of CFGConstructor dynamic analysis
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