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Mechanical and Energy Engineering     
Optimal design of end-effector on automatic plug seedling transplanter
JIANG Zhuo-hua, JIANG Huan-yu, TONG Jun-hua
1. College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Equipment and Informatization in Environment Controlled Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Hangzhou 310058, China; 3. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China
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Abstract  A slide-clamp end-effector with only one drive cylinder was designed by combining the advantages of slide form and clamp form. This end-effector could penetrate into the nutritional substrate and clamp the seedling plug just by one push of the cylinder. The needles' insertion depth and penetration angle of the end-effector is adjustable. A visualization program was designed using Visual Basic. The structure parameters were optimized in the program according to the motion trail of needle cusp. The 3D model was developed and taken kinematic simulation in ADAMS2012 to verify the parameters of the structure size by comparing the trails of needle cusp. A full-test with three factors (the proportion of ingredients, the moisture content, and the mass of substrate) and three levels was conducted to verify the efficiency of end-effector under different seedling medium conditions. As results, for the total 270 plug seedlings, the designed end-effector has a 100% transplanting success rate and the seedling plug average damage rate is 17%. Under eight combinations of the full-test, there is no harmed root plug. Using this end-effector, the transplanting success rate is greatly increased and the root plug damage rate is reduced without increasing time consumption (averagely 2.8 s per seedling).

Published: 11 June 2017
CLC:  S 223.92  
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JIANG Zhuo-hua, JIANG Huan-yu, TONG Jun-hua. Optimal design of end-effector on automatic plug seedling transplanter. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 2017, 51(6): 1119-1125.


结合常规插拔式和夹取式末端执行器的优点,设计一种单气缸驱动的插拔夹取式末端执行器,在气缸的一个推程内连续完成插入并夹紧育苗基质.该末端执行器指针的插入深度和入土角度可调.基于Visual Basic编写可视化程序,以指针尖点的轨迹优劣作为评判标准,确定末端执行器的关键结构尺寸.绘制三维模型,并进行ADAMS2012环境下的运动学仿真,通过比较指针尖点的轨迹验证结构尺寸参数.设计三因素(育苗基质体积配比、育苗基质含水率和单孔基质量)三水平的全试验,测试末端执行器在不同育苗基质条件下的适应性.结果表明,所设计的末端执行器对共270株苗的移栽成功率达到100%,基质块的损伤率为17%;在其中8组育苗农艺因素水平组合下,基质块的损伤数为0.在移栽作业速率(平均2.8 s/株)不减的情况下,所设计的末端执行器对移栽成功率和伤苗率都具有较大的改善.

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