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Design of soft-switching system on three-phase load balance for IDC electric power
CAI Hui, GUO Yu, YAN Hong, CHEN Wei-min, LI Qing
College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China
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A soft-switching system based on single-phase inverter power was proposed to improve the safety and efficiency of internet data center(IDC). This system balances three-phase power supply by adjusting the power supply of the electric equipments. Before switching, the inverter tracks the original access phase. The system switches the load from the original access phase to the inverter supply after the synchronization. At the inverter supplying time, the inverter tracks the alternative access phase. The system switches the load from the inverter to the alternative access phase supply after the synchronization. The cause of the impulse current and the inhibition method were analyzed. Simulation and experiment were used to carry out verification for this system. The result shows that there is no impulse current when the electric equipments are switched when the voltage passes zero. The system achieves “soft-switching” well without impulse current during the load being switched among different power supply phases.

Published: 01 December 2014
CLC:  TM 734  
Cite this article:

CAI Hui, GUO Yu, YAN Hong, CHEN Wei-min, LI Qing. Design of soft-switching system on three-phase load balance for IDC electric power. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 2014, 48(12): 2210-2215.

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