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J4  2012, Vol. 46 Issue (1): 118-122    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2012.01.19
浙江大学 超大规模集成电路设计研究所,浙江 杭州 310027
Translation lookaside buffer  design  based on
dynamic memory page merging
CHEN Zhi-jian, MENG Jian-yi, GE Hai-tong, YAN Xiao-lang
Institute of VLSI Design, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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Virtual memory pages and physical memory pages are often sequentially allocated in traditional memory management algorithms. A translation lookaside buffer (TLB) design method was proposed  to merge two sequential small size memory pages into a large one during the processor execution. The mapping size of each TLB entry is automatically enlarged with recursive memory page merging. Consequently, the utilization efficiency of TLB can be improved and the TLB miss rate can be reduced. A new uTLB architecture composed of fuTLB and suTLB was proposed. Both fuTLB and suTLB are not only used as the first level address translation buffer of the two-level TLB architecture, but also provided as the temporary buffer for hardware based dynamic page merging. The page merging operation is processed by hardware and not affected by software. Experimental results from Mibench show that the TLB miss ratio can be reduced by 27% with the new TLB design method compared with the filter-TLB design method.

出版日期: 2012-02-22
:  TN 332  
通讯作者: 孟建熠,男,讲师.     E-mail:
作者简介: 陈志坚(1984-),男,博士生,从事计算机体系结构研究与高性能嵌入式处理器设计.
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陈志坚,孟建熠,葛海通,严晓浪. 基于内存页面动态合并的旁路转换缓冲器设计[J]. J4, 2012, 46(1): 118-122.

CHEN Zhi-jian, MENG Jian-yi, GE Hai-tong, YAN Xiao-lang. Translation lookaside buffer  design  based on
dynamic memory page merging. J4, 2012, 46(1): 118-122.


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