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J4  2011, Vol. 45 Issue (4): 614-620    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2011.04.005
车建华, 何钦铭, 陈建海, 王备
浙江大学 计算机科学与技术学院,浙江 杭州 310027
Software simulation-based fault injection tool of
virtual machine system
CHE Jian-hua, HE Qin-ming, CHEN Jian-hai, WANG Bei
College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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The mechanism involved by fault injection tools for virtual machine system such as failure model, injection mode, trigging mechanism, monitor and trace was studied. The typical failure model (including fault type, fault location, occurrence mechanism and duration) and its implementation were proposed by statistically analyzing the fault symptoms occurring in various virtual machine systems. By investigating the architecture of virtual machine system and the principle of fault injection, a fault injection tool for Xen system using software simulation method was designed—software fault injector for virtualized environments (SFIVE), and its injection mode, trigging mechanism, monitor and trace were introduced. Experimental results show that SFIVE has higher fault type coverage of virtual machine system, and can activate and monitor most of fault types related to virtual machine.

出版日期: 2011-05-05
:  TP 393  


通讯作者: 何钦铭,男,教授,博导.     E-mail:
作者简介: 车建华(1979—),男,河北景县人,博士生,从事虚拟计算、性能评测等研究. E-mail:
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车建华, 何钦铭, 陈建海, 王备. 基于软件模拟的虚拟机系统故障插入工具[J]. J4, 2011, 45(4): 614-620.

CHE Jian-hua, HE Qin-ming, CHEN Jian-hai, WANG Bei. Software simulation-based fault injection tool of
virtual machine system. J4, 2011, 45(4): 614-620.


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