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Journal of Zhejiang University (Science Edition)  2020, Vol. 47 Issue (3): 274-283    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-9497.2020.03.002
Culturd Computation     
Image-based automatic generation of 2D paper-cuts
CHEN Jiazhou1, WANG Yuhang1, Mohammed Amal Ahmed Hasan1, HUANG Keyu1, LU Zhouyang2, PENG Qunsheng2
1.School of Computer Science , Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310012, China
2.State Key Laboratory of CAD & CG, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
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Abstract  The paper-cut design is very challenging. It should convey rich cultural meanings with a few of simple shapes, and the remains after cut must be connected as an integral piece of work. In this work, we introduce an image-based 2D paper-cut generation method that converts an arbitrary image into a paper-cut pattern automatically. An adjacent graph is first constructed using a segmentation of the input image, and then a paper-cutting mathematical model that consists of color, boundary contrast and connectivity constraints is proposed, the final paper-cut pattern is computed by solving this model as an optimization problem. User-friendly interaction tools like connectivity post-processing and region assignment are provided, which allow the users to easily add their personal designs into the automatically generated paper-cuts. Experiments demonstrate the proposed method can generate feature-preserved and geometry-connected paper-cuts, it reduces the design difficulty while satisfying users’ personalized demand, which contributes to the transmission and inheritance of our folk paper-cut art.

Key wordspaper-cut      geometric connectivity      simulated annealing method      image segmentation     
Received: 11 November 2019      Published: 25 June 2020
CLC:  TP391.41  
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CHEN Jiazhou, WANG Yuhang, Mohammed Amal Ahmed Hasan, HUANG Keyu, LU Zhouyang, PENG Qunsheng. Image-based automatic generation of 2D paper-cuts. Journal of Zhejiang University (Science Edition), 2020, 47(3): 274-283.



中国剪纸的设计极具挑战性, 要求画面简洁、直观, 还需要表达特定的文化内涵, 且整张剪纸须整体连通。提出了一种基于图像的二维剪纸自动生成方法, 能够将任意数码照片自动转化为剪纸图形。首先,利用图像分割方法建立区域连接图; 接着, 基于该连接图对颜色、边界对比度和区域连通性进行数学建模, 并获得优化目标函数; 最后, 通过模拟退火算法求解目标方程, 自动生成保持图像内容的剪纸图形。还开发了连通性后处理和区域指定等用户交互工具, 允许用户在自动生成的剪纸图形中方便地加入个人设计。实验表明, 所生成的剪纸图形画面简洁、整体连通。 本方法在降低剪纸设计难度的同时还可满足个性化的设计需求, 有助于传播和传承我国的民间剪纸艺术。

关键词: 几何连通性,  图像分割,  模拟退火法,  剪纸 
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