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Journal of ZheJIang University(Science Edition)  2018, Vol. 45 Issue (1): 118-126    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-9497.2018.01.017
Floristic analysis of the seed plants from Yandang Mountain of Yueqing, Zhejiang
CHEN Weijie, XIONG Xianhua, ZHENG Yi, JIN Xiaofeng
College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 310036, China
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Abstract  Based on the literature survey, field explorations and specimen identification, the flora of seed plants in Yandang Mountain of Yueqing county, South Zhejiang, is analyzed in this paper. The main results are as follows:(1) There are 732 species, which belong to 433 genera in 147 families. The families and genera containing only one species occupy 41.5% and 67.9%, respectively. (2) At family level, the tropic elements are more than temperate ones (64 families/42.9% vs.36 families/24.6%). At genus level, the tropic elements and temperate ones occupy 49.1% and 50.9%, respectively, and the pan-tropic type is dominant and occupies 24.1%. (3) At species level, the distribution type of East China is far bigger than others and reaches 45.6%. Among the sub-type of the endemic species to China, the type of East China-Central China + South China-Southwest China (to Northwest China) holds the biggest proportion. (4) 29 species are alien species or naturalized species, which mainly invade from North and South America. (5) The seed plants in Yandang Mountain are considerably rich, and geographical components are multiform. There are many relict, rare or endangered plants, and reveals mountainous flora in subtropics. The floristics shows the closest relationship with Japan as well as some alien and invasive species.

Key wordsYandang Mountain      seed plants      distribution type      Zhejiang     
Received: 14 October 2016      Published: 15 December 2017
CLC:  Q949.4  
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CHEN Weijie, XIONG Xianhua, ZHENG Yi, JIN Xiaofeng. Floristic analysis of the seed plants from Yandang Mountain of Yueqing, Zhejiang. Journal of ZheJIang University(Science Edition), 2018, 45(1): 118-126.

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关键词: 雁荡山,  种子植物,  分布区类型,  浙江 
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