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Journal of ZheJIang University(Science Edition)  2018, Vol. 45 Issue (1): 37-43    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-9497.2018.01.007
Mobile data visual analysis for human activity understanding
JIANG Hongyu1, WU Yadong1,2, ZHAO Weixin1, TANG Kai1
1. Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621010, Sichuan Province, China;
2. Sichuan Civil-Military Integration Institute, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621010, Sichuan Province, China
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Abstract  Mobile data imply various information, including spatio-temporal characteristics and the social relationship of human activities, which have great value for human behavior exploration. In order to analyze and understand the activities of mobile users, a mobile data visual analytics framework is proposed focusing on users' activity understanding based on the spatio-temporal and social features of mobile data. And, a visual analytic system for mobile data is also built, which aims to explore mobile users' behavior patterns in different period, detect their social roles and discover their real social relationship. It has been examined with mobile data in a city, and the results prove the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Key wordsactivities of users      spatio-temporal data      sparse data     
Received: 01 July 2017      Published: 15 December 2017
CLC:  TP391  
Cite this article:

JIANG Hongyu, WU Yadong, ZHAO Weixin, TANG Kai. Mobile data visual analysis for human activity understanding. Journal of ZheJIang University(Science Edition), 2018, 45(1): 37-43.

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关键词: 用户行为,  时空数据,  稀疏轨迹 
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