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工程设计学报  2016, Vol. 23 Issue (6): 571-577    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1006-754X.2016.06.008
李琴1, 张祺1,2
1. 攀枝花学院 机械工程学院, 四川 攀枝花 617000;
2. 四川大学 制造科学与工程学院, 四川 成都 610065
Meshing mathematical model of cylindrical gear with curvilinear shape
LI Qin1, ZHANG Qi1,2
1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Panzhihua University, Panzhihua 617000, China;
2. School of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China
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关键词: 曲线齿线圆柱齿轮齿面方程包络圆弧齿线圆柱齿轮    

According to the tooth surface equation of arc cylindrical gear and the characteristic of tooth surface composition, the tooth composition characteristics of a class of cylindrical gear with curvilinear shape were presented. One-parameter surface enveloping method in gear meshing principle was used, and the general mathematical equations and conjugate tooth surface equation were deduced by coordinate transformation. Taking the tooth surface equation derivation of arc cylindrical gear as an example, the space meshing mathematical model of arc cylindrical gear was derived. In order to validate the correctness of this method, the three-dimensional model of arc cylindrical gear was established by UG software. The study results offer theoretical supports for new tooth line design and studies on new cylindrical gear with curvilinear shape.

Key words: cylindrical gear with curvilinear shape    tooth surface equation    envelope    arc cylindrical gear
收稿日期: 2016-05-04 出版日期: 2016-12-28
CLC:  TH132  


作者简介: 李琴(1977-),女,四川成都人,副教授,硕士,从事机电一体化、先进制造技术等研究,
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李琴, 张祺. 曲线齿线圆柱齿轮啮合数学模型[J]. 工程设计学报, 2016, 23(6): 571-577.

LI Qin, ZHANG Qi. Meshing mathematical model of cylindrical gear with curvilinear shape. Chinese Journal of Engineering Design, 2016, 23(6): 571-577.


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