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Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture and Life Sciences)  2022, Vol. 48 Issue (3): 269-278    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-9209.2021.05.171
Effects of globa l warming on insect natural enemies
Yueliang BAI1,2(),Wenwu ZHOU1,2,Zengrong ZHU1,2()
1.Institute of Insect Sciences, College of Agriculture & Biotechnology, Zhejiang University/Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Biology of Crop Pathogens and Insects, Hangzhou 310058, China
2.Hainan Institute of Zhejiang University, Sanya 572000, Hainan, China
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With climate change, global temperatures are expected to rise, posing a pervasive and growing threat to biodiversity and ecosystem stability. As ectotherms, insects are completely dependent on environmental temperature to grow, develop, and regulate various physiological functions. Therefore, global warming is likely to have direct or indirect effects on insect individuals, populations, and their associated communities and food webs. However, many studies have suggested that the species at higher trophic levels seem to be more sensitive to changes in environmental factors, meaning that predators and parasitoids may face more severe challenges than their prey or hosts. In this paper, we analyzed the effects of temperature changes on the development, reproduction, predation and parasitism of insect natural enemies based on existing studies, compared the responses of the same species (different natural enemy species) and different trophic level species (natural enemy and its host or prey) to temperature increase, and summarized the synchronicity changes between natural enemies and pests caused by global warming. Understanding the response of insect predators and parasitoids to temperature rise is of great significance for biological control and ecological governance of agricultural pests in a warming climate.

Key wordsglobal warming      insect natural enemy      biological control      functional response      interspecific relationship     
Received: 17 May 2021      Published: 25 June 2022
CLC:  S 435  
Corresponding Authors: Zengrong ZHU     E-mail:;
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Yueliang BAI,Wenwu ZHOU,Zengrong ZHU. Effects of globa l warming on insect natural enemies. Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture and Life Sciences), 2022, 48(3): 269-278.

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关键词: 气候变暖,  天敌昆虫,  生物防治,  功能反应,  种间关系 
Fig. 1 Developmental rate models of insect natural enemies with different temperature adaptations and the herbivorous insects
互作关系 Interaction


Insect natural enemy


Prey or host insect


Response of insect natural enemy


Response of prey or host


Effect on the interaction






Anax imperator


Daphnia magna

攻击速度增加防御能力增强天敌捕食成功率 未发生变化25
Notonecta undulata


Daphnia pulex

Enallagma annexum相遇概率增加,天敌捕食成功率小幅升高


Harmonia axyridis


Rhopalosiphum padi

始盛期提前,发生量增加,捕食时间延长,捕食频率提高早期发生量增加物候同步性增强, 天敌的控制力增强,蚜虫后期为害减轻60




Propylaea japonica




初始迁飞时间提前,总迁飞期延长初始迁飞时间提前, 总迁飞期延长迁飞同步性降低61


Aedes nigripes




Tetrastichus julis


Oulema melanopus

发育所需积温变化 不大产卵和幼虫发育日期提前,但发育所需积温提高物候同步性下降,天敌寄生率下降48
Cotesia astrarches


Aricia agestis

可在扩张地区继续 寄生寄主地理分布向高纬度扩张扩张地区总寄生率下降,可寄生天敌物种数减少56
Cotesia saltatoria


Hyposoter notatus


Aleiodes bicolor



Aplomya confinis


Aricia agestis



Aphidius rhopalosiphi


Sitobion avenae



Aphidius ervi


Acyrthosiphon pisum

Cotesia bignellii


Euphydryas aurinia

发育时间不变发育时间缩短未影响二者物候 同步性63
Table 1 Published "natural enemy-prey/host" response to temperature increasing or global warming
Fig. 2 Effects of global warming on species at different trophic levels, interspecific relationships, and ecosystems
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