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Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng.  2011, Vol. 12 Issue (2): 155-162    DOI: 10.1631/jzus.C1000016
Optimizing inter-view prediction structures for multi-view video coding using simulated annealing
Zheng Zhu*,1, Dong-xiao Li1,2, Ming Zhang1,2
1 Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China 2 Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Information Network Technology, Hangzhou 310027, China
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Abstract  New video applications, such as 3D video and free viewpoint video, require efficient compression of multi-view video. In addition to temporal redundancy, exploiting the inter-view redundancy is crucial to improve the performance of multi-view video coding. In this paper, we present a novel method to construct the optimal inter-view prediction structure for multi-view video coding using simulated annealing. In the proposed model, the design of the prediction structure is converted to the arrangement of coding order. Then, a simulated annealing algorithm is employed to minimize the total cost for obtaining the best coding order. This method is applicable to arbitrary irregular camera arrangements. As experiment results reveal, the annealing process converges to satisfactory results rapidly and the generated optimal prediction structure outperforms the reference prediction structure of the joint multi-view video model (JMVM) by 0.1–0.8 dB PSNR gains.

Key wordsMulti-view video coding      Prediction structure      Simulated annealing     
Received: 16 January 2010      Published: 08 February 2011
CLC:  TN941.3  
Cite this article:

Zheng Zhu, Dong-xiao Li, Ming Zhang. Optimizing inter-view prediction structures for multi-view video coding using simulated annealing. Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng., 2011, 12(2): 155-162.

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Optimizing inter-view prediction structures for multi-view video coding using simulated annealing

New video applications, such as 3D video and free viewpoint video, require efficient compression of multi-view video. In addition to temporal redundancy, exploiting the inter-view redundancy is crucial to improve the performance of multi-view video coding. In this paper, we present a novel method to construct the optimal inter-view prediction structure for multi-view video coding using simulated annealing. In the proposed model, the design of the prediction structure is converted to the arrangement of coding order. Then, a simulated annealing algorithm is employed to minimize the total cost for obtaining the best coding order. This method is applicable to arbitrary irregular camera arrangements. As experiment results reveal, the annealing process converges to satisfactory results rapidly and the generated optimal prediction structure outperforms the reference prediction structure of the joint multi-view video model (JMVM) by 0.1–0.8 dB PSNR gains.

关键词: Multi-view video coding,  Prediction structure,  Simulated annealing 
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