Frequently asked questions during the submission
Q: Why can't I open
A: The server is located at Germany. Please make sure that you have the right to access the Internet.
Q: Why can't I find the place to approve my submission/revision after I build the PDF file?
A: Please select yourself as the corresponding author in the system. Only the corresponding author can do the approval.
Q: I forgot the username and password. How can I proceed?
A: Please click "Send Username/Password" on the LOGIN page.
Q: There are garbled characters in the PDF file produced by the system. How can I manage it?
A: Please do not insert any special font in the original file. Times New Roman is the preferred font. If the whole text of the PDF file is unreadable, please try to convert your original manuscript into PDF format on your PC first (using Adobe Acrobat), and then upload it again.
Q: The system suggests that "Required Reviews Complete" for my submission. Then when can I get the review report?
A: When two reviewers have submitted their review reports, the status of the manuscript will be turned into "Required Reviews Complete". There are two cases: (1) there are no more reviewers who have agreed to review the manuscript; (2) one or more reviewers have agreed to review but have not submitted the review report. In the first case, the status will generally last no more than 3 days; in the second case, however, the status may last more time till the arrival of the other review report(s).