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(浙江大学西溪校区地球科学系 ,浙江 杭州 310028)
An analysis on the dynamics of Vernicia fordii seed production in Zhejiang Province
(Department of Earth Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028, China)
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摘要: 浙江省栽培油桐的历史悠久 , 在抗日战争以前的本世纪二三十年代 ,国际市场桐油价格十分昂 贵 ,浙江省由于紧靠上海 ,出口便利 ,油桐种植相当发达 ,桐油的年产量曾高达 1 . 5× 10 7 kg,约相当于近 10年来我国年平均出口量的 70% ;抗日战争期间 ,桐油的销路受阻 ,浙江省的种桐业逐渐衰落 ;抗战胜 利后 ,由于国际市场购买力不旺 ,种桐业再也没有恢复往日的辉煌. 从 50年代初到现在 ,浙江省的油桐 连年减产 ,并有继续一路下滑的趋势 ,其原因一方面是由于国内外市场对桐油的需求有限 ,另一方面则 是由于农村产业结构的调整导致了浙江等沿海省份的桐农向其它收益更高的行业转移 .
关键词: 油桐种植结构 林业经济浙江省    
Abstract: Zhejiang Province has a long history of Vernicia fordii plantation. In 1920-30s, before the War of Resistance Against Japan, tung oil price in international market w as very expensive. Vernicia fordii plantation w as then very popular in Zhejiang, for it borders on Shanghai and the exportation was very convenient. The yearly production of tung oil once amounted to 15000 ton in Zhejiang Province during that period. This is about equal to 70% the yearly average exporting tung oil in recent 10 years in China. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, tung oil found no sales in international market. Vernicia fordii plantation thus gradually declined in Zhejiang. After the War of Resistance Against Japan, the purchasing pow er in international tung oil market w as very w eak. Vernicia fordii plantation had never reappeared the splendid in the past. From 1950s up to present, The seed production of Vernicia fordii has been decreasing from year to year. This tendency still continues. In addition to the limited demand for tung oil in international market, the reason corresponded to the decrease is that the adjustment of plantation structure in the countryside has led many tung oil farmers in the economically developed coastal area like Zhejiang moved to the other more profitable professions.
Key words: Vernicia fordii    plantation structure    forestry economy    Zhejiang Province
出版日期: 2014-08-11
CLC:  F319. 9  
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李 睿
汪 波


李 睿,汪 波,金平斌 . 浙江省油桐生产动态的分析 [J]. 浙江大学学报(理学版), .

LI Rui, WANG Bo, JING Ping-bing . An analysis on the dynamics of Vernicia fordii seed production in Zhejiang Province. Journal of Zhejiang University (Science Edition), .


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