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Food Qual Safet
Germination: an alternative source to promote phytonutrients in edible seeds
Anthony Temitope Idowu,* Oladipupo Odunayo Olatunde,* Ademola Ezekiel Adekoya** and Solomon Idowu***
*Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Prince of Songkhla University, Hatyai, Songkhla Province, 90110, Thailand and **Department of Thai Traditional Medicine, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla Province, Thailand and ***Department of Community Health and Primary Healthcare, College of Medicine of the University of Lagos, Lagos state, Nigeria
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摘要: 尽管全球各国都有超过50000种食用植物品种,但食用植物营养素含量较低的食物却导致了不同的慢性疾病。这些可食用植物的种子可以食用,具有很高的健康效益。此外,种子萌发后可食植物化学物质等营养价值增加。因此,据报道,种子萌发可以增强多种生物活性物质,如γ-氨基丁酸、多酚和维生素,当这些种子被食用时,它们会产生更强的生物活性,如抗糖尿病、抗菌和抗癌作用。因此,发芽是提高食用种子营养价值的一种廉价有效的途径。
关键词: 食用种子生物活性物质萌发植物营养素    
Abstract: Consumption of less phytonutrient foods has shown to cause different chronic diseases, despite over 50,000 edible plant breed available in various countries around the globe. These edible plants consist of seeds that can be consumed which possessed high health benefits. Moreover, nutritive values such as phytochemicals of edible seeds increased after germination. Therefore, germination has been reported to enhance various bioactive compounds such as γ-amino butyric acid, polyphenols, and vitamins which lead to greater bioactivity such as anti-diabetic, anti-bacteria, and anti-cancer effects when these seeds are consumed. Consequently, germination can be regarded as a cheap and effective way to enhance the nutritional value of edible seeds.
Key words: edible seeds    water    bioactive compounds    germination    phytonutrients
通讯作者: Anthony Temitope Idowu     E-mail:
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Anthony Temitope Idowu
Oladipupo Odunayo Olatunde
Ademola Ezekiel Adekoya
Solomon Idowu


Anthony Temitope Idowu, Oladipupo Odunayo Olatunde, Ademola Ezekiel Adekoya, Solomon Idowu. Germination: an alternative source to promote phytonutrients in edible seeds. Food Qual Safet, 10.1093/fqsafe/fyz043.


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