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Food Qual Safet
Foodborne outbreaks in Brazil associated with fruits and vegetables: 2008 through 2014
Susana de Oliveira Elias, Luana Tombini Decol, Eduardo Cesar Tondo
Departamento de Ciências dos Alimentos – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos – Av. Bento Gon?alves, 9500 Prédio 43212 Agronomia CEP: 91505-970 – Porto Alegre – RS – Brasil
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关键词: 农产品病原体沙门氏菌食源性疾病疾病监测预警    
Objectives: Foodborne disease outbreaks linked to fruits and vegetables have been increasing in occurrence worldwide; therefore, the aim of this study was to identify the reported foodborne outbreaks associated with fruit and vegetable consumption in Brazil from 2008 to 2014.
Results and Limitations: Thirty produce related outbreaks resulted in 2926 illnesses, 347 hospitalizations, and no deaths. Only bacterial pathogens were identified as etiological agents. Among these, Salmonella was the most frequent (30 per cent of outbreaks) followed by Staphylococcus aureus (23.3 per cent), Escherichia coli (10 per cent), Bacillus cereus (6.6 per cent), and thermotolerant coliforms (3.3 per cent), whereas etiological agents could not be determined for 26.6 per cent of outbreaks. The most common food vehicles implicated in outbreaks were generically named as fruits and vegetables (46.6 per cent of outbreaks). The term salad was used generically and specifically like salads (two outbreaks), raw/cooked salads (four outbreaks), vegetable salad, tropical salad, Caesar salad, and raw salad of cabbage and tomato. Only one outbreak was related exclusively to fruit (fruit pulp), whereas other outbreaks were related to cooked carrot, lettuce, cucumber, watermelon/cabbage, and chard/beet. Contamination sources and issues related to the future control of produce-related foodborne disease outbreaks are discussed.
Key words: produce    pathogens    Salmonella    foodborne illness    disease surveillance    notification
收稿日期: 2018-04-04 出版日期: 2018-10-26
通讯作者: Susana de Oliveira Elias, Avenida Bento Gonçalves, 9500 – Campus do Vale – Prédio 43212 – Sala 205. CEP 91501-970 – Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil. Telephone: +55 (51) 3308-6677.     E-mail:
作者简介: Susana de Oliveira Elias, Avenida Bento Gon?alves, 9500 – Campus do Vale – Prédio 43212 – Sala 205. CEP 91501-970 – Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil. Telephone: +55 (51) 3308-6677. E-mail:
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Susana de Oliveira Elias
Luana Tombini Decol
Eduardo Cesar Tondo


Susana de Oliveira Elias, Luana Tombini Decol, Eduardo Cesar Tondo. Foodborne outbreaks in Brazil associated with fruits and vegetables: 2008 through 2014. Food Qual Safet, 10.1093/fqsafe/fyy022.


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