Adaptive robust neural control of a two-manipulator system holding a rigid object with inaccurate base frame parameters |
Fan XU, Jin WANG, Guo-dong LU |
State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China |
Abstract The problem of self-tuning control with a two-manipulator system holding a rigid object in the presence of inaccurate
translational base frame parameters is addressed. An adaptive robust neural controller is proposed to cope with inaccurate trans-
lational base frame parameters, internal force, modeling uncertainties, joint friction, and external disturbances. A radial basis
function neural network is adopted for all kinds of dynamical estimation, including undesired internal force. To validate the
effectiveness of the proposed approach, together with simulation studies and analysis, the position tracking errors are shown to
asymptotically converge to zero, and the internal force can be maintained in a steady range. Using an adaptive engine, this ap-
proach permits accurate online calibration of the relative translational base frame parameters of the involved manipulators. Spe-
cialized robust compensation is established for global stability. Using a Lyapunov approach, the controller is proved robust in the
face of inaccurate base frame parameters and the aforementioned uncertainties.
Received: 16 November 2016
Published: 13 June 2019
Adaptive robust neural control of a two-manipulator system holding a rigid object with inaccurate base frame parameters
The problem of self-tuning control with a two-manipulator system holding a rigid object in the presence of inaccurate
translational base frame parameters is addressed. An adaptive robust neural controller is proposed to cope with inaccurate trans-
lational base frame parameters, internal force, modeling uncertainties, joint friction, and external disturbances. A radial basis
function neural network is adopted for all kinds of dynamical estimation, including undesired internal force. To validate the
effectiveness of the proposed approach, together with simulation studies and analysis, the position tracking errors are shown to
asymptotically converge to zero, and the internal force can be maintained in a steady range. Using an adaptive engine, this ap-
proach permits accurate online calibration of the relative translational base frame parameters of the involved manipulators. Spe-
cialized robust compensation is established for global stability. Using a Lyapunov approach, the controller is proved robust in the
face of inaccurate base frame parameters and the aforementioned uncertainties.
Cooperative manipulators,
Neural networks,
Inaccurate translational base frame,
Adaptive control,
Robust control 
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