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Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng.  2011, Vol. 12 Issue (10): 787-799    DOI: 10.1631/jzus.C1000379
Effective operation and performance improvement methods for OMTP BONDI-based mobile Web widget resources
Jiwoong Bang1, Daewon Kim*,2
1 Department of Computer Science, Dankook University, Juk-jeon 440-701, Korea 2 Department of Multimedia Engineering, Dankook University, Cheon-an 330-714, Korea
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Abstract  The Open Mobile Terminal Platform (OMTP) is a global forum made by telecommunications providers to promote user-oriented mobile services and data businesses. Devised by OMTP, BONDI is a browser-based application or a mobile Web run-time platform to help widgets make good use of the functions of mobile devices in a secure way. BONDI enables applications programmed with Web standard technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and AJAX to reach the internal functions of mobile devices. Since BONDI, which is not just a simple network application, can reach the internal resources of devices in standard ways, it enables the application and widgets to be developed regardless of the operating system (OS) or platform. Web browser-based widgets are vulnerable to the network environment, and their execution speed can be slowed as the operations of the widgets or applications become heavy. Compared with the native widgets inside the device, however, those Web widgets will be continuously used thanks to the user-friendly simple interface and the faster speed in using Web resources. This study deals with a method to effectively operate and manage the resources of OMTP BONDI Web widget and provides improved results based on running performance evaluation experiments. The experiments were carried out to improve the entire operating time by enhancing the module-loading speed. In this regard, only indispensable modules were allowed to be loaded while the BONDI widget was underway. For this purpose, the widget resource list, which can make the operating speed of the BONDI widget faster, was redefined while a widget cache was employed. In addition, the widget box, a management tool for removed widgets, was devised to store temporarily idle widgets.

Key wordsMobile      OMTP      BONDI      Web      Widget      Resources     
Received: 01 November 2010      Published: 08 October 2011
CLC:  TP393  
Cite this article:

Jiwoong Bang, Daewon Kim. Effective operation and performance improvement methods for OMTP BONDI-based mobile Web widget resources. Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng., 2011, 12(10): 787-799.

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Effective operation and performance improvement methods for OMTP BONDI-based mobile Web widget resources

The Open Mobile Terminal Platform (OMTP) is a global forum made by telecommunications providers to promote user-oriented mobile services and data businesses. Devised by OMTP, BONDI is a browser-based application or a mobile Web run-time platform to help widgets make good use of the functions of mobile devices in a secure way. BONDI enables applications programmed with Web standard technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and AJAX to reach the internal functions of mobile devices. Since BONDI, which is not just a simple network application, can reach the internal resources of devices in standard ways, it enables the application and widgets to be developed regardless of the operating system (OS) or platform. Web browser-based widgets are vulnerable to the network environment, and their execution speed can be slowed as the operations of the widgets or applications become heavy. Compared with the native widgets inside the device, however, those Web widgets will be continuously used thanks to the user-friendly simple interface and the faster speed in using Web resources. This study deals with a method to effectively operate and manage the resources of OMTP BONDI Web widget and provides improved results based on running performance evaluation experiments. The experiments were carried out to improve the entire operating time by enhancing the module-loading speed. In this regard, only indispensable modules were allowed to be loaded while the BONDI widget was underway. For this purpose, the widget resource list, which can make the operating speed of the BONDI widget faster, was redefined while a widget cache was employed. In addition, the widget box, a management tool for removed widgets, was devised to store temporarily idle widgets.

关键词: Mobile,  OMTP,  BONDI,  Web,  Widget,  Resources 
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