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Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng.  2010, Vol. 11 Issue (12): 939-947    DOI: 10.1631/jzus.C1000137
A regeneratable dynamic differential evolution algorithm for neural networks with integer weights
Jian Bao, Yu Chen, Jin-shou Yu
School of Information Science and Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China, Institute of Software and Intelligent Technology, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China
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Abstract  Neural networks with integer weights are more suited for embedded systems and hardware implementations than those with real weights. However, many learning algorithms, which have been proposed for training neural networks with float weights, are inefficient and difficult to train for neural networks with integer weights. In this paper, a novel regeneratable dynamic differential evolution algorithm (RDDE) is presented. This algorithm is efficient for training networks with integer weights. In comparison with the conventional differential evolution algorithm (DE), RDDE has introduced three new strategies: (1) A regeneratable strategy is introduced to ensure further evolution, when all the individuals are the same after several iterations such that they cannot evolve further. In other words, there is an escape from the local minima. (2) A dynamic strategy is designed to speed up convergence and simplify the algorithm by updating its population dynamically. (3) A local greedy strategy is introduced to improve local searching ability when the population approaches the global optimal solution. In comparison with other gradient based algorithms, RDDE does not need the gradient information, which has been the main obstacle for training networks with integer weights. The experiment results show that RDDE can train integer-weight networks more efficiently.

Key wordsDifferential evolution      Integer weights      Neural networks      Greedy      Embedded systems      Function approximation     
Received: 05 May 2010      Published: 09 December 2010
CLC:  TP183  
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Jian Bao, Yu Chen, Jin-shou Yu. A regeneratable dynamic differential evolution algorithm for neural networks with integer weights. Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng., 2010, 11(12): 939-947.

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A regeneratable dynamic differential evolution algorithm for neural networks with integer weights

Neural networks with integer weights are more suited for embedded systems and hardware implementations than those with real weights. However, many learning algorithms, which have been proposed for training neural networks with float weights, are inefficient and difficult to train for neural networks with integer weights. In this paper, a novel regeneratable dynamic differential evolution algorithm (RDDE) is presented. This algorithm is efficient for training networks with integer weights. In comparison with the conventional differential evolution algorithm (DE), RDDE has introduced three new strategies: (1) A regeneratable strategy is introduced to ensure further evolution, when all the individuals are the same after several iterations such that they cannot evolve further. In other words, there is an escape from the local minima. (2) A dynamic strategy is designed to speed up convergence and simplify the algorithm by updating its population dynamically. (3) A local greedy strategy is introduced to improve local searching ability when the population approaches the global optimal solution. In comparison with other gradient based algorithms, RDDE does not need the gradient information, which has been the main obstacle for training networks with integer weights. The experiment results show that RDDE can train integer-weight networks more efficiently.

关键词: Differential evolution,  Integer weights,  Neural networks,  Greedy,  Embedded systems,  Function approximation 
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