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Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng.  2010, Vol. 11 Issue (8): 598-606    DOI: 10.1631/jzus.C0910552
Studying pressure sores through illuminant invariant assessment of digital color images
Sahar Moghimi1, Mohammad Hossein Miran Baygi*,1, Giti Torkaman2, Ehsanollah Kabir1, Ali Mahloojifar1, Narges Armanfard1
1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, P.O. Box 14115-111, Tehran, Iran 2 Department of Physical Therapy, Tarbiat Modares University, P.O. Box 14115-111, Tehran, Iran
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Abstract  Methods for pressure sore monitoring remain both a clinical and research challenge. Improved methodologies could assist physicians in developing prompt and effective pressure sore interventions. In this paper a technique is introduced for the assessment of pressure sores in guinea pigs, using captured color images. Sores were artificially induced, utilizing a system particularly developed for this purpose. Digital images were obtained from the suspicious region in days 3 and 7 post-pressure sore generation. Different segments of the color images were divided and labeled into three classes, based on their severity status. For quantitative analysis, a color based texture model, which is invariant against monotonic changes in illumination, is proposed. The texture model has been developed based on the local binary pattern operator. Tissue segments were classified, using the texture model and its features as inputs to a combination of neural networks. Our method is capable of discriminating tissue segments in different stages of pressure sore generation, and therefore can be a feasible tool for the early assessment of pressure sores.

Key wordsLocal binary pattern (LBP)      Automatic assessment      Neural networks      Color based texture model      Pressure sores      Digital color images     
Received: 07 September 2009      Published: 02 August 2010
CLC:  TP391  
Cite this article:

Sahar Moghimi, Mohammad Hossein Miran Baygi, Giti Torkaman, Ehsanollah Kabir, Ali Mahloojifar, Narges Armanfard. Studying pressure sores through illuminant invariant assessment of digital color images. Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng., 2010, 11(8): 598-606.

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Studying pressure sores through illuminant invariant assessment of digital color images

Methods for pressure sore monitoring remain both a clinical and research challenge. Improved methodologies could assist physicians in developing prompt and effective pressure sore interventions. In this paper a technique is introduced for the assessment of pressure sores in guinea pigs, using captured color images. Sores were artificially induced, utilizing a system particularly developed for this purpose. Digital images were obtained from the suspicious region in days 3 and 7 post-pressure sore generation. Different segments of the color images were divided and labeled into three classes, based on their severity status. For quantitative analysis, a color based texture model, which is invariant against monotonic changes in illumination, is proposed. The texture model has been developed based on the local binary pattern operator. Tissue segments were classified, using the texture model and its features as inputs to a combination of neural networks. Our method is capable of discriminating tissue segments in different stages of pressure sore generation, and therefore can be a feasible tool for the early assessment of pressure sores.

关键词: Local binary pattern (LBP),  Automatic assessment,  Neural networks,  Color based texture model,  Pressure sores,  Digital color images 
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