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Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng.  2015, Vol. 16 Issue (8): 617-633    DOI: 10.1631/FITEE.1400263
A novel multimode process monitoring method integrating LDRSKM with Bayesian inference
Shi-jin Ren, Yin Liang, Xiang-jun Zhao, Mao-yun Yang
1National Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China; 2School of Computer Science & Technology, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221116, China
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Abstract  A local discriminant regularized soft k-means (LDRSKM) method with Bayesian inference is proposed for multimode process monitoring. LDRSKM extends the regularized soft k-means algorithm by exploiting the local and non-local geometric information of the data and generalized linear discriminant analysis to provide a better and more meaningful data partition. LDRSKM can perform clustering and subspace selection simultaneously, enhancing the separability of data residing in different clusters. With the data partition obtained, kernel support vector data description (KSVDD) is used to establish the monitoring statistics and control limits. Two Bayesian inference based global fault detection indicators are then developed using the local monitoring results associated with principal and residual subspaces. Based on clustering analysis, Bayesian inference and manifold learning methods, the within and cross-mode correlations, and local geometric information can be exploited to enhance monitoring performances for nonlinear and non-Gaussian processes. The effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method are evaluated using the Tennessee Eastman benchmark process.

Key wordsMultimode process monitoring      Local discriminant regularized soft k-means clustering      Kernel support vector data description      Bayesian inference      Tennessee Eastman process     
Received: 20 July 2014      Published: 04 August 2015
CLC:  TP277  
Cite this article:

Shi-jin Ren, Yin Liang, Xiang-jun Zhao, Mao-yun Yang. A novel multimode process monitoring method integrating LDRSKM with Bayesian inference. Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng., 2015, 16(8): 617-633.

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关键词: 多模态过程监测,  局部鉴别正则化软k-均值,  核支持向量数据描述,  贝叶斯推理 
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