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Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng.  2010, Vol. 11 Issue (6): 407-417    DOI: 10.1631/jzus.C0910402
Three-dimensional organ modeling based on deformable surfaces applied to radio-oncology
Gloria Bueno*,1, Oscar Déniz1, Jesús Salido1, Carmen Carrascosa2, José M. Delgado3
1 Grupo de Visión y Sistemas Inteligentes, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, E.T.S. Ingenieros Industriales Avda. Camilo José Cela, 3. 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain 2 Hospital General de Ciudad Real, Tomelloso s/n. 13005 Ciudad Real, Spain 3 Instituto Oncológico (Grupo IMO) Modesto Lafuente, 14, 28010 Madrid, Spain
Three-dimensional organ modeling based on deformable surfaces applied to radio-oncology
Gloria Bueno*,1, Oscar Déniz1, Jesús Salido1, Carmen Carrascosa2, José M. Delgado3
1 Grupo de Visión y Sistemas Inteligentes, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, E.T.S. Ingenieros Industriales Avda. Camilo José Cela, 3. 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain 2 Hospital General de Ciudad Real, Tomelloso s/n. 13005 Ciudad Real, Spain 3 Instituto Oncológico (Grupo IMO) Modesto Lafuente, 14, 28010 Madrid, Spain
 全文: PDF(805 KB)  
摘要: This paper describes a method based on an energy minimizing deformable model applied to the 3D biomechanical modeling of a set of organs considered as regions of interest (ROI) for radiotherapy. The initial model consists of a quadratic surface that is deformed to the exact contour of the ROI by means of the physical properties of a mass-spring system. The exact contour of each ROI is first obtained using a geodesic active contour model. The ROI is then parameterized by the vibration modes resulting from the deformation process. Once each structure has been defined, the method provides a 3D global model including the whole set of ROIs. This model allows one to describe statistically the most significant variations among its structures. Statistical ROI variations among a set of patients or through time can be analyzed. Experimental results are presented using the pelvic zone to simulate anatomical variations among structures and its application in radiotherapy treatment planning.
关键词: 3D biomechanical organ modelingEnergy minimizing deformable modelFinite element modelGeodesic active contourRadiotherapy treatment planning    
Abstract: This paper describes a method based on an energy minimizing deformable model applied to the 3D biomechanical modeling of a set of organs considered as regions of interest (ROI) for radiotherapy. The initial model consists of a quadratic surface that is deformed to the exact contour of the ROI by means of the physical properties of a mass-spring system. The exact contour of each ROI is first obtained using a geodesic active contour model. The ROI is then parameterized by the vibration modes resulting from the deformation process. Once each structure has been defined, the method provides a 3D global model including the whole set of ROIs. This model allows one to describe statistically the most significant variations among its structures. Statistical ROI variations among a set of patients or through time can be analyzed. Experimental results are presented using the pelvic zone to simulate anatomical variations among structures and its application in radiotherapy treatment planning.
Key words: 3D biomechanical organ modeling    Energy minimizing deformable model    Finite element model    Geodesic active contour    Radiotherapy treatment planning
收稿日期: 2009-07-04 出版日期: 2010-06-02
CLC:  TP391.4  
基金资助: Project  partially  supported  by  the  VI  FP  and  VII  FP  of the European Commission through MAESTRO and ENVISION
projects  (Nos.   IP  CE503564  and  SP  CE241851)  and  Spanish Junta  de  Comunidades  de  Castilla–La  Mancha  (Nos.   PBC06-
0019 and PI-2006/01.1)
E-mail Alert
Gloria Bueno
Oscar Déniz
Jesús Salido
Carmen Carrascosa
José M. Delgado


Gloria Bueno, Oscar Déniz, Jesús Salido, Carmen Carrascosa, José M. Delgado. Three-dimensional organ modeling based on deformable surfaces applied to radio-oncology. Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng., 2010, 11(6): 407-417.


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