Abstract:International organizations (IOs) have become important players in the international community, and their language management is vital to their operation. However, scholarly attention to their language choices is inadequate. To fill this gap, this paper draws on extant literature on language policy and uses data from the Yearbook of International Organizations 2019, specifically data about the language use of 16,077 IOs in 5 different clusters, to conduct an in-depth analysis of IOs’ language choices. Several findings emerge from this empirical analysis. First, IOs’ “organizational” feature requires them to attach great importance to the pragmatic value of languages, and their administrative agencies even prioritize it in language policy-making, so as to ensure efficient operation and achieve organizational purposes. This is convincingly evidenced by the fact that English, as an international lingua franca with prominent pragmatic values, plays a dominant role in all types of IOs. Second, IOs’ “international” feature requires them to pay attention to the symbolic value of languages, which is in accord with their members’ need for language diversity. As for members (member states in particular), the use of their mother tongues in IOs not only signifies respect, recognition, and identity, but also symbolizes their international status and impacts. Thus, many IOs, especially those in Clusters Ⅱ and Ⅳ, emphasize on the language diversity in language policy-making. Third, IOs’ language policies are profoundly affected by the relative power of their members. Because of the symbolic value of languages, IOs’ language policies have long been an arena for power competition among the members, and some states target certain IO clusters and adopt different language strategies in different IOs, so as to improve their international status and influence. For instance, the Netherlands increases its international status by promoting Dutch in organizational substitutes (Cluster Ⅲ) and national
张慧玉, 安雨晨. 语言价值、权力结构与国际组织的语言选择[J]. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2021, 51(4): 228-240.
Zhang Huiyu, An Yuchen. Language Value, Power Structure, and International Organizations' Language Choices. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, 2021, 51(4): 228-240.
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