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Journal of Zhejiang University (Science Edition)  2024, Vol. 51 Issue (1): 41-54    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-9497.2024.01.006
Mathematics and Computer Science     
Research progress of digital financial fraud detection oriented to social relations network
Hualing LIU(),Junyi XU,Shijie CAO,Yaxin LIU,Liang QIAO
School of Statistics and Information,Shanghai University of International Business and Economics,Shanghai 201620,China
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In the new era of fintech, digital technology is the core driving force of the future development of financial industry. With the new technology and the risk of financial fraud escalating, fraud detection based on digital technology has become a new research hot spot. Meantime the research direction of financial fraud detection technology has shifted from traditional methods of improving expert experience and optimizing machine learning models to exploring graph machine learning methods for social network. This article focuses on social network, based on the development process of network analysis, from different perspectives of detecting abnormal individuals, suspicious groups and unhealthy intermediaries, with different technical methods of digital financial fraud detection as the main line, the existing social-oriented relational network fraud identification methods are investigated, and the future research trends and directions of digital financial fraud detection technologies are highlighted.

Key wordsbig data      artificial intelligence      social network      fraud detection      anti-fraud     
Received: 20 December 2021      Published: 10 January 2024
CLC:  TP 391  
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Hualing LIU,Junyi XU,Shijie CAO,Yaxin LIU,Liang QIAO. Research progress of digital financial fraud detection oriented to social relations network. Journal of Zhejiang University (Science Edition), 2024, 51(1): 41-54.




关键词: 大数据,  人工智能,  社会关系网络,  欺诈检测,  反欺诈 
Fig.1 Flow chart of digital financial fraud detection



(1) 时间复杂度低,接近线性复杂度,适用于大规模网络;

(2) 无须定义优化函数,无须指定社区个数

(1) 雪崩效应:社区结果不稳定,随机性强;

(2) 振荡效应:社区结果振荡,不收敛


(1) 在明确划分社团数时,可较精确地给出社团划分结果;

(2) 给出不同层次的社团划分结果,揭示关于网络层次的信息

(1) 时间复杂度高,在计算边介数时需多次计算最短路径;

(2) 若无法知道划分的社团数,算法结果相对较差




(1) 第一次迭代以单个节点作为社区粒度,不受模块化分辨率的限制;

(2) 能够发现层次性社区结构

(1) 挖掘社区的大小,随着图的增大而增大;

(2) 社区过大,不能及时收敛


(1) 能高效实现重叠社区检测;

(2) 算法过程易修改,可适应不同规则、不同类型的网络

(1) 对于节点众多的大规模网络,分配标签会消耗大量计算资源;

(2) SLPA的随机选择策略导致算法具有随机性和不稳定性

Table 1 Comparative analysis of typical community detection algorithms
Fig.2 Hierarchical tree generated by GN algorithm output
Fig.3 Visualization of Louvain algorithm steps
Fig.4 Network model diagram of electronic game payment transaction data
介数中心性经过节点 i 的最短路径数占所有节点对的最短路径数的比例
特征向量中心性一个节点的重要性与邻居节点数和邻居节点的重要性同时相关,将邻接矩阵所对应的特征向量 xi 作为节点vi 的特征向量重要性度量值
Table 2 Commonly used local structure characteristics
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