New derivation of special relativity without assumption of constant speed of light" /> New derivation of special relativity without assumption of constant speed of light" /> New derivation of special relativity without assumption of constant speed of light" />   无需光速不变假设的狭义相对论新推导
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Journal of ZheJIang University(Science Edition)
New derivation of special relativity without assumption of constant speed of light
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Abstract  Traditionally, Special Relativity is formulated through a derivation of the space-time Lorentz transformation based on the assumption that the speed of light is invariant. Einstein’s famous mass-energy relation can then be deduced from the Lorentz transformation, provided with the principle of relativity as well as the relevant conservation laws. This work abandons the unnecessary assumption of a constant speed of light, and proves that the proportionality between the relativistic energy and the moving mass does not rely on the Lorentz transformation or any other specific form of space-time transformation. As we demonstrate with two-body particle decay, it follows directly from the principle of relativity and the conservation of energy and momentum. Therefore, we present a novel and more general formulation of Special Relativity without assuming constant speed of light and the existence of massless particles. In this new formulation, a universal speed limit naturally emerges with no specific regard to the propagation of light.

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. New derivation of special relativity without assumption of constant speed of light. Journal of ZheJIang University(Science Edition), 0, (): 1-.

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传统相对论依据光速不变原理可以推导出时空的洛伦兹变换公式,而在相对性原理的基础上,利用洛伦兹变换公式和守恒定律又可建立起爱因斯坦的质能关系式.本文不同于依据光速不变假设首先从运动学来完全确定洛伦兹变换的传统方法,而是依据相对性原理以及动量守恒和能量守恒,通过讨论粒子的两体衰变过程,论证了相对论能量正比于动质量实际上并不依赖于洛伦兹变换或具体的时空变换特性.从而无需引进光速不变假设和不依赖静质量为零的粒子,给出了一种更为普遍的狭义相对论的新推导.新的相对论公式已不再需要依赖光速,取而代之的是与所有粒子相关的普适极限速度 .

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