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Journal of ZheJIang University(Science Edition)  2016, Vol. 43 Issue (7): 477-480    DOI:
Relations of academic achievement to learning self-efficacy and learning strategy for middle school students
HU Gui-ying, XU Bai-hua
Department of Psychology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028, China
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Key wordslearning self-efficacy      learning strategy      academic achievement      path analysis     
Received: 23 July 2002      Published: 01 July 2016
CLC:  B844.2  
Cite this article:

HU Gui-ying, XU Bai-hua. Relations of academic achievement to learning self-efficacy and learning strategy for middle school students. Journal of ZheJIang University(Science Edition), 2016, 43(7): 477-480.

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关键词: 学习自我效能感,  学习策略,  学业成就,  路径分析 

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