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Journal of ZheJIang University(Science Edition)
Approval degree and using behavior of travelers to shared bicycles from the perspective of green travel:A case study of Xi'an City
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Abstract  Selecting Xi'an urban residents as study objects,behavioral intention as intermediary variable,subjective norm as regulating variable,this paper quantitatively analyzes the relationship between travelers' approval degree to shared bicycles and their actual using behavior in green travel activities.The results show that the approval degree to shared bicycles by travelers can significantly affect their behavioral intention.Generally,in the second level dimension of approval degree,travelers are most concerned about the accessibility of shared bicycles,followed by transit recognition and cost-consuming,operability has the least impact on travelers.The mediating effect test shows that behavior intention plays complete mediating role between travelers' approval degree and the actual behavior of green travel. The moderating effect test shows that subjective norm does not play a regulatory role in the relationship between the approval degree on shared bicycles and the behavioral intention of travelers. Finally,this paper is based on empirical case study,aiming to provide necessary scientific and practical reference for the development of new urban transportation system and the construction of a green urban living space network.

Received: 23 May 2020      Published: 30 December 2016
Cite this article:

WANG Xin, BAI Kai, LI Zhongqi. Approval degree and using behavior of travelers to shared bicycles from the perspective of green travel:A case study of Xi'an City. Journal of ZheJIang University(Science Edition), 0, (): 1-.

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