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Chinese Journal of Engineering Design  2019, Vol. 26 Issue (6): 666-674    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1006-754X.2019.00.009
Intelligent Design     
Research on intelligent method of manufacturing and processing equipment based on digital twin and deep learning technology
WANG An-bang, SUN Wen-bin, DUAN Guo-lin
School of Mechanical Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China
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Abstract  In view of the problems that the traditional manufacturing and processing equipment is not closely related to the data information during the production and the equipment maintenance greatly depends on the human experience, a new intelligent method for the equipment is proposed. Firstly, the digital twin that can reflect the true state of manufacturing and processing equipment was established in the information layer. Secondly, based on the past big data of processing,the behaviour of the process was modelled and the deep learning and training was performed by the digital twin. The state of manufacturing and processing equipment at the next moment was predicted by the trained artificial neural network based on the collected real-time data,so that the manufacturing and processing equipment could realize the deep integration of data in the physical layer and the information layer, and had the ability of self-awareness and self-prediction to realize the intelligence. Finally, taking the intelligent implementation process of extrusion structure system of slurry microfluidic extrusion forming equipment as an example to verify the feasibility of the proposed method. The example results showed that the intelligent method of the equipment could effectively monitor and predict the operating state of the extrusion structure system, which provides effective data information for the subsequent improvement of the extrusion molding accuracy. Research shows that the digital twin and deep learning technology can enhance the intelligence of manufacturing and processing equipment, and can provide theoretical support for the development of intelligent manufacturing in the future.

Key wordsmanufacturing and processing equipment      intelligence      digital twin      deep learning     
Received: 11 June 2019      Published: 28 December 2019
CLC:  TP 301.6  
Cite this article:

WANG An-bang, SUN Wen-bin, DUAN Guo-lin. Research on intelligent method of manufacturing and processing equipment based on digital twin and deep learning technology. Chinese Journal of Engineering Design, 2019, 26(6): 666-674.

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关键词: 制造加工设备,  智能化,  数字孪生,  深度学习 
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