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Food Qual Safet
Challenges in the microbiological food safety of fresh produce: Limitations of post-harvest washing and the need for alternative interventions
Kayla Murray*, Fan Wu*, John Shi**, Sophia Jun Xue** and Keith Warriner*
*Department of Food Science, University of Guelph and **Guelph Food Research Center, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, Guelph, Ontorio, Canada
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摘要: 新鲜果蔬类食品依旧是食源性疾病爆发的主要来源,致病菌主要包括大肠杆菌O157:H7、沙门氏菌、单增李斯特菌及人体寄生虫等。先前食源性疾病的爆发主要集中在绿色叶菜类、番茄类和哈密瓜,但近期新出现了多样性的食源性疾病来源,例如黄瓜、番木瓜等。尽管良好农业规范一定程度上防止了食物生产链中的污染,但因开放式种植污染不可避免。因此亟需干预措施来清除土壤带来的污染,尤其可鲜食产品。本综述总结了食源性疾病爆发的潜在因素。采后清洗曾被认为降低致病菌污染的途径,但同时其会增加交叉污染。同时对采后清洗流程监测进行了讨论。对多种干预措施比如辐照处理、紫外、超高压等进行了综述。上述手段在实验室规模上都具有致病菌控制效果并应用于商业上。同时对多种干预措施在商业应用中遇到的挑战进行了综合性描述。
关键词: 新鲜产品大肠杆菌O157:H7沙门氏菌单增李斯特菌辐照紫外二氧化碳先进氧化处理采后清洗绿色叶菜类水果蔬菜    
Abstract: Fresh produce (processed fruit and vegetables) continues to be the main source of foodborne illness outbreaks implicating pathogens such as Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes and human parasites (e.g. hepatitis A, Cyclospora). Previously, outbreaks were primarily limited to leafy greens, tomatoes, and cantaloupes, but more recently there has been a trend of more diverse produce types (e.g. cucumbers and papayas) being implicated. Although on-farm good agriculture practices (GAP) contribute to preventing pathogens entering the fresh produce chain, it cannot be relied upon completely due to the open nature of farming. As a consequence, there is an identified need for interventions that can remove field-acquired contamination, especially given fresh produce is eaten raw. In the following review, an overview of foodborne illness outbreaks linked to contaminated fresh produce will be described along with potential sources of contamination. Post-harvest washing that was once considered decontamination is now viewed as a high-risk cross-contamination point. The challenges in monitoring the post-harvest wash process will be discussed along with processing factors that need to be considered. A range of alternative, or supplemental, non-aqueous interventions will be described including irradiation, ultraviolet light, high hydrostatic pressure, gas phase (ozone and chlorine dioxide), and hydroxyl radicals generated through advanced oxidative process or gas plasma. All have been proved to be effective at pathogen control on the laboratory scale and are poised to enter commercial application. The current status of these alternative interventions along with challenges of integrating into commercial practice will be described.
Key words: Fresh produce    Escherichia coli O157:H7    Salmonella    Listeria    Irradiation    Ozone    Chlorine dioxide    Advanced oxidative process    Post-harvest    Washing    Leafy greens    Fruit    Vegetable
收稿日期: 2017-08-17
通讯作者: Keith Warriner, Department of Food Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1, Canada.     E-mail:
作者简介: Keith Warriner, Department of Food Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1, Canada. E-mail:
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Kayla Murray
Fan Wu
John Shi
Sophia Jun Xue
Keith Warriner


Kayla Murray, Fan Wu, John Shi, Sophia Jun Xue, Keith Warriner. Challenges in the microbiological food safety of fresh produce: Limitations of post-harvest washing and the need for alternative interventions. Food Qual Safet, 10.1093/fqsafe/fyx027.


[1] K. Khalid D Alharbi, V. Lau, C. Liang, R. G. Zytner, J. Shi, K. Warriner. 电絮凝和杀菌紫外线结合处理切丝生菜加工过程中的洗净水[J]. Food Qual Safet, 2017, 1(2): 147-152.