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Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture and Life Sciences)  2024, Vol. 50 Issue (2): 149-160    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-9209.2023.07.171
Research and practice on the main models and supporting technologies of ecological greenhouse agriculture in China
Pingping LI1(),Jiangang HAN1,Xin CHEN2,Lihong GAO3
1.College of Ecology and Environment, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 212013, Jiangsu, China
2.College of Life Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, Zhejiang, China
3.College of Horticulture, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
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Ecological greenhouse agriculture refers to an ecological farming model that utilizes clean, green, and healthy production methods for greenhouse planting and breeding. Its goal is to improve resource use efficiency, enhance agricultural product yield and quality, and promote environmental benefits. In China, there are two primary categories of ecological greenhouse agriculture (key promotion by the Ministry of Agriculture in 2002). The first category is the “four-in-one” ecological model combining crop planting, animal breeding, and biogas production within a greenhouse. It has evolved from individual family greenhouse facilities to village-based ecological greenhouse clusters, and then to industrialized biogas production from large-scale piggery, where pig manure is converted into biogas and integrated into the power grid. Biogas slurry is transported through pipelines to farmland, reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and improving soil quality. The system structure configuration, supporting technologies and equipments for planting and breeding are continuously being developed and improved. The second category is the ecological greenhouse agriculture model that adopts comprehensive ecological agricultural technologies. These technologies include various types of vertical and three-dimensional cultivation methods to increase land resource use efficiency, rotational cultivation technologies to reduce continuous cropping obstacles and pesticide usage in greenhouse vegetable production, healthy cultivation technologies involving the proper application of organic fertilizers to improve soil properties or the use of fermented agricultural and forestry wastes as organic substrate to provide nutrients to crops, ecological control technologies to reduce the occurrence of diseases, pests and weeds, such as insect-proof net covering, color board and light trap-killing, high-temperature sealing, steam disinfection, colored film covering soils, and biological control of natural enemy insects. It is expected that, through further research on related supporting equipments and technologies, the informatization and automation levels of ecological greenhouse agriculture can be improved, and thereby the sustainable development goal of greenhouse agriculture will be reached.

Key wordsecological greenhouse agriculture      “four-in-one” ecological model      combination of crop planting, animal breeding and biogas production      three-dimensional cultivation      rotational cultivation      organic substrate cultivation      ecological control     
Received: 17 July 2023      Published: 25 April 2024
CLC:  S625  
Corresponding Authors: Pingping LI     E-mail:
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Pingping LI,Jiangang HAN,Xin CHEN,Lihong GAO. Research and practice on the main models and supporting technologies of ecological greenhouse agriculture in China. Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture and Life Sciences), 2024, 50(2): 149-160.

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关键词: 设施生态农业,  “四位一体”生态模式,  种养沼结合,  立体栽培,  轮作栽培,  有机基质栽培,  生态防治 
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