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Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture and Life Sciences)  2016, Vol. 42 Issue (1): 47-52    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-9209.2015.07.312
Agricultural sciences     
Ecological adaptability of rice cultivars with different types under the low temperature and weak sunshine condition
LI Min, LUO Deqiang, JIANG  Xuehai, ZHOU Weijia, GI Guangmei, WANG Xuehong, LI Shuxing
(Rice Research Institute of Guizhou Province, Guiyang 550006,  China)
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Abstract  In addition to the genetic cultivar characteristic and cultivation strategy, the environmental condition is considered as another important factor affecting grain yield in rice. Previous studies were carried out on yield formation of rice under the low temperature and weak sunshine condition, however, the ecological adaptability such as yield formation, nitrogen accumulation and utilization of different thermos-photoperiod sensitive rice cultivars to the low temperature and weak sunshine is still obscure, as well as the response mechanism. The main objective of this study was to determine the ecological adaptability of different rice cultivars under the low temperature and weak sunshine condition in the middle and late growth duration. Field experiments were conducted in 2013 and 2014 in Guiyang which was regarded as the representative eco-site with low temperature and weak sunshine, 35 rice genotypes including released cultivars and potential rice combinations were used as tested materials, and two ecology-adaptive cultivars (Zhuyou606 and Qianyou108) and two ecology-sensitive cultivars (Y Liangyou2 and Y Liangyou302) were selected out as the tested materials to study the differences in grain yield and yield formation, nitrogen accumulation and distribution, root characteristics. The results showed that:  When values were averaged across cultivars and years, compared with ecology-adaptive cultivars, ecology-sensitive cultivars obtained a lower grain yield by 13.8%, which was mainly caused by a 9.9% lower filled grain ratio and 15.5% lower 1 000-grain mass.  In comparison with ecology-adaptive cultivars, ecology-sensitive cultivars achieved 18.8%, 10.8%, 14.5% lower nitrogen accumulation amount at the mid-tillering (critical stage of productive tillering), heading, maturity stage, respectively, resulting in 17.9% lower nitrogen recovery efficiency (RE). Furthermore, a higher nitrogen accumulation amount in stem-leaves at heading stage and a lower nitrogen accumulation amount in stem-leaves at maturity stage were found in ecology-sensitive cultivars, relative to ecology-adaptive cultivars, and the nitrogen translocation amount from stems and leaves to panicle achieved 3.41 kg/667m2, which was 24.6% lower than that in ecology-adaptive cultivars,the nitrogen translocation ratio from stems and leaves to panicle achieved 38.55%,which was 19.4% lower than that in ecology-adaptive cultivars.   The root bleeding intensity of ecology-adaptive cultivars achieved 20.2 kg/(h·667m2)  at heading stage and 4.55 kg/(h·667 m2) at maturity stage, which were 8.8% and 21.6% lower than that in ecology-adaptive cultivars, respectively. Accordingto the results, a strategy to increase the grain yield of ecology-adaptive cultivars is suggested: keeping a higher filled grain ratio and a higher 1 000-grain mass, which is able to be accomplished by increasing nitrogen accumulation during the growth period from heading to maturity. Moreover, these methods such as cultivating strong roots and improving root activity are helpful to increase the amount of nitrogen absorption.

Published: 20 January 2016
CLC:  S 511  
Cite this article:

LI Min, LUO Deqiang, JIANG Xuehai, ZHOU Weijia, GI Guangmei, WANG Xuehong, LI Shuxing . Ecological adaptability of rice cultivars with different types under the low temperature and weak sunshine condition. Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture and Life Sciences), 2016, 42(1): 47-52.

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