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  2012, Vol. 38 Issue (5): 639-646    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-9209.2011.12.012
Resource & environmental sciences     
Regeneration characteristics and floristic composition of Quercus variabilis community in Zipeng Mountain of Anhui Province
CHENG Hong-mei1,2, YANG Qing-shan3, WU Wang-bao1,4, Tan Hai-xia5, TIAN Xing-jun1*
1.School of Life Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China; 2. Hefei Botanical Garden, Hefei 230031, China; 3.Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hefei 230038, China; 4. School of Life Science, Anhui University, Hefei 230039, China; 5. Environmental Management College of China, Qinhuangdao, Hebei 066004, China
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Abstract  Quercus forest is a zonal vegetation in east China. Due to the activity of local residents, the area of Quercus forest reduced gradually. As a temple forest, Q. variabilis forest in the Zipeng Mountain of Anhui Province survived from the human destruction. Investigation of the species composition, community structure and ecology function of the Q. variabilis forest is an essential work for forest conservation and vegetation restoration . The investigation was conducted in the Zipeng Mountain national forest park, which located in Feixi county of Anhui Province, China. A 1.5 hm2 fixed sample plot was established in natural Q. variabilis forest. The sample plot was divided into six 50 m × 50 m sized quadrats according to the  contiguous grid quadrat method. All trees in the quadrats were investigated by measuring
 their number, diameter at breast height (DBH), tree height and crown diameter, etc. Herbaceous plants were investigated in 5 m × 5 m quadrats set in  the center  of and all around each large quadrat. The extralayer plants were recorded by their category and growth status. Finally, the importance values of woody plants were calculated according to the data of investigation. The research results showed  that the sample plot set in natural Quercus forest of Zipeng Mountain had a rich species composition with 81 species, belonging to 77 genera and 49 families in the forest. The community structure of the plot was simple. The statistics based on mean DBH, basal area, and importance  value of species showed that Q. variabilis was an absolutely dominant species. The basal area of Q. variabilis over 17.938 1 m2/hm2 accounted for 85.73% of total basal area of all woody plants. The dense shrublayer contained many species in which the abundant species was Symplocos paniculata. Herblayer was sparse but rich with 41 species, and liana was few. Arealtype analysis of species origination suggested that the species in the forest were highly related to temperate components, but tropical components also occupied fairly high percentage. The importance value of temperate and tropical genera reached 53.23% and 41.94%, respectively. In addition, the Q. variabilis forest was of climax community, and the population was recessionary at present stage. The Q. variabilis of DBH<10 cm was zero, and those of 10 cm<DBH<20 cm were 16 which accounted only  4.72% of the total area, indicating that the regeneration of the species was very poor. The lifeform, stratification, structure of the community demonstrates that the Q. variabilis  forest is a deciduous broadleaf forest in the north subtropical region of China. Further research is needed to elucidate how the main species in Quercus forest regenerate themselves, and which factors promote or inhibit pioneer species regeneration.  

Published: 20 September 2012
CLC:  S 718.54  
  Q 948.1  
Cite this article:

. Regeneration characteristics and floristic composition of Quercus variabilis community in Zipeng Mountain of Anhui Province. , 2012, 38(5): 639-646.

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安徽省紫蓬山国家森林公园古栓皮栎林内设置面积1.5 hm2的固定样地,应用相邻格子法划分样地并进行每木调查,研究该栓皮栎林的物种组成及更新特征。结果表明:1)该栓皮栎林样地物种组成丰富,共有维管束植物49科、77属、81种,仅含1个种的科属较多,栓皮栎为群落建群种;2)从物种属的地理分布区类型看,该群落具有一定的温带性质,同时热带成分占有较大比例,反映出亚热带北缘低山丘陵落叶阔叶林的植被属性;3)优势种明显,从个体数、平均胸径、胸高断面积和重要值等分析,栓皮栎在群落中占有绝对优势地位,以大树和老龄树为主;4)栓皮栎群落现阶段已进入演替的顶极阶段,为衰退型种群,更新较差;5)群落外貌整齐,垂直空间分化明显,乔木层优势种极为明显,灌木层物种较丰富,草本层稀疏但种类丰富,层外植物简单;该群落植物生活型、层次结构和外貌的关系反映出了北亚热带落叶阔叶林的特点。
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