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Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng.  2014, Vol. 15 Issue (4): 312-320    DOI: 10.1631/jzus.C1300247
撷取母线电流信息 优化无传感器无刷直流电机驱动相位与转矩
Zu-sheng Ho, Chii-maw Uang, Ping-chieh Wang
Department of Electronic Engineering, I-Shou University, Taiwan 84001, Kaohsiung
Extracting DC bus current information for optimal phase correction and current ripple in sensorless brushless DC motor drive
Zu-sheng Ho, Chii-maw Uang, Ping-chieh Wang
Department of Electronic Engineering, I-Shou University, Taiwan 84001, Kaohsiung
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摘要: 研究目的:无刷直流电机进行无传感器驱动时,常因低通滤波电路或高速、高负载运行造成驱动相位不正确,从而产生较大的驱动电流涟波。目前,用于改善电流涟波的算法过于复杂。本文提出一种简单算法,可以减少微处理器计算量,使得利用一般功能的微处理器即可实现相位优化的无感驱动控制。
关键词: 无刷直流电机电动机电机驱动相位控制相位估测无传感器控制    
Abstract: Brushless DC motor (BLDCM) sensorless driving technology is becoming increasingly established. However, optimal phase correction still relies on complex calculations or algorithms. In finding the correct commutation point, the problem of phase lag is introduced. In this paper, we extract DC bus current information for auto-calibrating the phase shift to obtain the correct commutation point and optimize the control of BLDC sensorless driving. As we capture only DC bus current information, the original shunt resistor is used in the BLDCM driver and there is no need to add further current sensor components. Software processing using only simple arithmetic operations successfully accomplishes the phase correction. Experimental results show that the proposed method can operate accurately and stably at low or high speed, with light or heavy load, and is suitable for practical applications. This approach will not increase cost but will achieve the best performance/cost ratio and meet market expectations.
Key words: Brushless motors    Electric motors    Motor drives    Phase control    Phase estimation    Sensorless control
收稿日期: 2013-09-06 出版日期: 2014-04-10
CLC:  TM301.2  
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Zu-sheng Ho
Chii-maw Uang
Ping-chieh Wang


Zu-sheng Ho, Chii-maw Uang, Ping-chieh Wang. Extracting DC bus current information for optimal phase correction and current ripple in sensorless brushless DC motor drive. Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng., 2014, 15(4): 312-320.


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