Hermes: 一个用于探索经济网络的具有丰富引导功能的可视分析环境 " /> Hermes: 一个用于探索经济网络的具有丰富引导功能的可视分析环境 " /> Hermes: Guidance-enriched Visual Analytics for economic network exploration" /> <p class="MsoNormal"> <i>Hermes</i>: 一个用于探索经济网络的具有丰富引导功能的可视分析环境
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Vis Inf  2020, Vol. 4 Issue (4): 11-22    DOI: 10.1016/j.visinf.2020.09.006

Hermes: 一个用于探索经济网络的具有丰富引导功能的可视分析环境

RogerA. Leitea, Alessio Arleoa, Johannes Sorgerb, Theresia Gschwandtnera, Silvia Mikscha
aVienna University of Technology - TU Wien, Austria bComplexity Science Hub Vienna, Austria
Hermes: Guidance-enriched Visual Analytics for economic network exploration
RogerA. Leitea, Alessio Arleoa, Johannes Sorgerb, Theresia Gschwandtnera, Silvia Mikscha
aVienna University of Technology - TU Wien, Austria bComplexity Science Hub Vienna, Austria
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摘要: 一个国家的经济可以建模成一个复杂的系统,在系统中,参与者相互买卖商品。通过分析投资流动,可以为大多数商品的生产构建一个供应链,这对于需要制定与评估战略决策,比如调整税收政策,的分析师和政府官员来说非常重要。然而,对参与者和投资人来说,这些网络往往非常复杂和密集,容易导致可视化的过度绘制,从而模糊了诸如生产部门和地区之间依赖关系之类的宝贵信息。 在本文中,我们提出了Hermes(以希腊商业之神的名字命名),一个用来探索复杂经济网络的具有丰富引导功能的可视分析环境,以揭示供应链、地区生产力和各生产部门之间的关联关系。基于引导方面的实践经验,我们设计并实现了一种可视化子图查询方法,可从现实数据的复杂投资图中提取其关联模式。我们对系统进行了三重评估: 一是通过三名领域专家进行定性评估;二是通过这一领域的专业研究人员对系统设置的引导功能进行单独评估;最后采用银行账户网络数据集作为案例对Hermes进行使用评估,以证明我们方法的可推广性。

关键词: 数据可视化经济学网络探索供应链    
Abstract: The economy of a country can be modeled as a complex system in which several players buy and sell goods from each other. By analyzing the investment flows, it is possible to reconstruct the supply chain for the production of most goods, whose understanding is important to analysts and public officials interested in creating and evaluating strategies for informed and strategic decision making, for instance, adjusting tax policies. Those networks of players and investments, however, tend to be complex and very dense, which leads to over-plotted visualizations that obfuscate precious information such as the dependencies between productive sectors and regions. In this paper, we propose Hermes, a guidance-enriched Visual Analytics environment (named after the Greek God of Commerce) for the exploration of complex economic networks, to uncover supply chains, regions’ productivity, and sector-to-sector relationships. With practical knowledge regarding guidance, we designed and implemented a visual sub-graph querying approach to extract patterns from such complex investment graphs obtained from real-world data. We present a three-fold evaluation of the system: we perform a qualitative evaluation of our approach with three domain experts, a separate assessment of the proposed guidance features with an expert researcher in this field, and a case study of Hermes using a bank account network dataset to demonstrate the generalizability of our approach.

Key words: Data visualization    Economics    Network exploration    Supply chain
出版日期: 2020-12-01
通讯作者: RogerA. Leite     E-mail:
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Alessio Arleo
Johannes Sorger
Theresia Gschwandtner
Silvia Miksch


RogerA. Leite, Alessio Arleo, Johannes Sorger, Theresia Gschwandtner, Silvia Miksch. Hermes: Guidance-enriched Visual Analytics for economic network exploration. Vis Inf, 2020, 4(4): 11-22.


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