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Food Qual Safet  2019, Vol. 3 Issue (4): 209-226    DOI: 10.1093/fqsafe/fyz024
Fish and fish side streams are valuable sources of high-value components
Anna-Liisa V?limaa*, Sari M?kinen**, Pirjo Mattila***, Pertti Marnila**, Anne Pihlanto**, Maarit M?ki**, Jaakko Hiidenhovi**
*Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Oulu **Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Jokioinen ***Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Turku
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摘要: 目前的鱼类加工产生了越来越多的副产品和废物,如鱼皮、鱼头、鱼架、内脏和鱼片。这些副产品和废物可能占工业加工所用鱼70%。低价值渔获物和未充分利用的鱼构成了另一个副产品来源。这些副产品被丢弃在环境中会导致环境问题,或者最终成为低商业价值的产品,如毛皮动物饲料和水产养殖。然而,一些研究表明,鱼副产品含有有价值的生物活性成分和组分,如鱼油、蛋白质和肽、胶原蛋白、明胶、酶、甲壳素和矿物质。这些组分可能为促进健康的食品、特殊饲料、保健品、药品和化妆品中开发新的应用提供了机会。能够更好地利用鱼副产品和低值鱼,将会同时提高生产的环境和生态可持续性。本文综述了鱼类和鱼副产品作为高价值成分来源的相关知识,如具有抗菌、抗氧化、抗高血压和降血糖特性的肽、蛋白质,如鱼类胶原蛋白和明胶等,鱼类酶、鱼油和脂肪酸、葡萄糖氨基聚糖等多糖、甲壳素和壳聚糖、维生素D和矿物质。本文讨论了回收鱼类高值成分的生产技术和潜在的产品应用。此外,还考虑了与原材料、工艺和成分有关的安全问题。
关键词: 鱼副产品生物活性肽鱼多糖鱼油    
Abstract: The current practice of fish processing generates increasing quantities of side streams and waste, such as skin, heads, frames, viscera, and fillet cut offs. These may account for up to 70% of the fish used in industrial processing. Low-value fish catches, and under-utilized fish species comprise another source of side streams. These side streams have been discarded in the environment leading to environmental problems or they have ended up as low commercial value products, such as feed for fur animals and aquaculture. However, several studies have shown that fish side streams contain valuable bioactive ingredients and fractions, such as fish oils, proteins and peptides, collagen, gelatin, enzymes, chitin, and minerals. These compounds and fractions may provide the opportunity to develop novel applications in health promoting foods, special feeds, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetic products. Better utilization of side streams and low-value fish would simultaneously improve both the environmental and ecological sustainability of production. This review summarizes the current knowledge on fish and fish side streams as sources of high-value components such as peptides with antimicrobial, antioxidative, antihypertensive, and antihyperglycemic properties, proteins such as fish collagen and gelatin, fish enzymes, fish oils and fatty acids, polysaccharides like glucosaminoglycans, chitin and chitosan, vitamin D, and minerals. Production technologies for recovering the high-value fractions and potential product applications are discussed. Furthermore, safety aspects related to the raw material, technologies, and fractions are considered.
Key words: fish side streams    bioactive peptides    fish polysaccharides    fish oils
收稿日期: 2019-07-01 出版日期: 2020-01-19
通讯作者: Anna-Liisa Välimaa, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Paavo Havaksen tie 3, FI-90570 Oulu, Finland.     E-mail: anna-liisa-valimaa@luke.f
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Anna-Liisa V?limaa
Sari M?kinen
Pirjo Mattila
Pertti Marnila
Anne Pihlanto
Maarit M?ki
Jaakko Hiidenhovi


Anna-Liisa Välimaa, Sari Mäkinen, Pirjo Mattila, Pertti Marnila, Anne Pihlanto, Maarit Mäki, Jaakko Hiidenhovi. Fish and fish side streams are valuable sources of high-value components. Food Qual Safet, 2019, 3(4): 209-226.


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