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Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities  2018, Vol. 33 Issue (1): 88-106    DOI: 10.1007/s11766-018-3536-6
Data driven composite shape descriptor design for shape retrieval with a VoR-Tree
WANG Zi-hao, LIN Hong-wei, XU Chen-kai
School of Mathematical Science, State Key Lab. of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China.
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Abstract  We develop a data driven method (probability model) to construct a composite shape descriptor by combining a pair of scale-based shape descriptors. The selection of a pair of scale-based shape descriptors is modeled as the computation of the union of two events, i.e., retrieving similar shapes by using a single scale-based shape descriptor. The pair of scale-based shape descriptors with the highest probability forms the composite shape descriptor. Given a shape database, the composite shape descriptors for the shapes constitute a planar point set. A VoR-Tree of the planar point set is then used as an indexing structure for efficient query operation. Experiments and comparisons show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed composite shape descriptor.

Key wordsshape descriptor      shape retrieval      shape analysis      data-driven model     
Received: 03 June 2017      Published: 28 March 2018
CLC:  68P20  
Corresponding Authors: LIN Hong-wei     E-mail:
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WANG Zi-hao, LIN Hong-wei, XU Chen-kai. Data driven composite shape descriptor design for shape retrieval with a VoR-Tree. Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities, 2018, 33(1): 88-106.

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Data driven composite shape descriptor design for shape retrieval with a VoR-Tree

We develop a data driven method (probability model) to construct a composite shape descriptor by combining a pair of scale-based shape descriptors. The selection of a pair of scale-based shape descriptors is modeled as the computation of the union of two events, i.e., retrieving similar shapes by using a single scale-based shape descriptor. The pair of scale-based shape descriptors with the highest probability forms the composite shape descriptor. Given a shape database, the composite shape descriptors for the shapes constitute a planar point set. A VoR-Tree of the planar point set is then used as an indexing structure for efficient query operation. Experiments and comparisons show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed composite shape descriptor.

关键词: shape descriptor,  shape retrieval,  shape analysis,  data-driven model 
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