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高校应用数学学报  2019, Vol. 34 Issue (2): 239-    
张雪飞, 郑素文, 夏静, 曹贻鹏, 许飞
陆军装甲兵学院基础部, 北京100072
Oriented graphs of the bipartite graph under degree
ZHANG Xue-fei, ZHENG Su-wen, XIA Jing, CAO Yi-peng, XU Fei
Basic Education Department, Army Academy of Armored Forces, Beijing 100072, China
 全文: PDF(332 KB)  
摘要: 二部图是具有二分类(X; Y )的简单偶图, 其中X的每个顶点与Y 的每个顶
点相连, 若jXj = m, jY j = n, 则这样的图记为Km;n. 该文研究了Kn;n的定向图.
对于非负整数a和b, 若存在满足每个顶点的入度或者是a或者是b的一个Kn;n的定向
图, 则存在非负整数s和t满足方程s + t = 2n 和as + bt = n2. 论文证明了如下结论:
设s和t是任意两个非负整数, 对于满足方程s + t = 2n和as + bt = n2的非负整数a和b,
存在Kn;n的定向图使得每个顶点的入度或者是a或者是b, 从而得到了上述必要条件
为Kn;n是[a; b]n可实现的充分条件.
关键词: 完全二部图 定向 入度 算法    
Abstract: A graph is bipartite if its vertex set can be partitioned into two subsets X and Y such
that every edge has one end in X and one end in Y ; such a partition (X; Y ) is called a bipartition of the
graph. A simple bipartite graph with bipartition (X; Y ) is called a complete bipartite graph if every
vertex in X is adjacent to every vertex in Y . Furthermore, the complete bipartite graph is denoted
by K_{m;n} if |X| = m and |Y| = n. It has known that if the in-degree of each vertex in an oriented
graph of Kn;n is a or b, where a and b are two non-negative integers, then there exist two non-negative
integers s and t satisfying the equations s + t = 2n and as + bt = n^2. This paper investigates oriented
graphs of Kn;n, and proves the following results. Let s and t be two arbitrary non-negative integers.
For two non-negative integers a and b satisfying the equations s+t = 2n and as+bt = n^2, there exists
an oriented graph of Kn;n such that the in-degree of each vertex is a or b. This paper shows that the
necessary condition is also su±cient for a complete bipartite graph K_{n;n}.
Key words: complete bipartite graph    orientation    in-degree    algorithm
出版日期: 2019-07-05
CLC:  O157.6  
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张雪飞, 郑素文, 夏静, 曹贻鹏, 许飞. 度条件下的二部图的定向图[J]. 高校应用数学学报, 2019, 34(2): 239-.

ZHANG Xue-fei, ZHENG Su-wen, XIA Jing, CAO Yi-peng, XU Fei. Oriented graphs of the bipartite graph under degree. Applied Mathematics A Journal of Chinese Universities, 2019, 34(2): 239-.


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