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Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture and Life Sciences)  2018, Vol. 44 Issue (2): 140-148    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-9209.2018.03.121
Progress on bacteria promoting enterovirus infection and its mechanism
XU Chao, YANG Xiaolian, YUE Min, ZHU Shu*
Institute of Animal Preventive Medicine, College of Animal Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
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Nowadays, coincided with more and more profound studies on intestinal microbiota, people are increasingly aware of its fundamental role in human and animal health. However, current studies mainly focused on nutritional metabolic disease, chronic and autoimmune diseases, little attention has been paid to its role in infectious diseases, particularly in viral diseases. Until very recently, researchers have begun to systematically study the interaction between intestinal bacteria and viruses. With the advance of relevant researches, the role of intestinal 、bacteria has been explored in viral invasion, pathogenicity and antiviral immunity;however, the mechanisms are largely unrevealed yet. Thus, in this article, we briefly reviewed recently highlighted advances in virus-bacteria interaction, especially elucidated relative mechanisms by which enteroviruses utilize bacteria to enhance viral invasion in vivo. In general, these mechanisms are segregated into two main categories: 1) direct facilitation of viral infection, including virion stabilization and enhancement of viral binding to host target cells; 2) indirect suppression of the antiviral immune responses in a manner of promoting in vivo replication. Discussionon mechanisms of enteroviruses exploiting intestinal bacteria for their invasion will be conducive to comprehensive understanding viral pathogenesis, elucidating virus-bacteria interactions and illuminating molecular mechanisms of enteroviruses evading host mucosal immunity. It can also provide novel insights and scientific basis into the development of novel enteroviral vaccines and associated adjuvants, as well as novel antiviral therapeutic approaches.

Key wordsintestinal bacteria      enterovirus      virus-bacteria interaction      in vivo infection      immune modulation     
Published: 27 April 2018
Cite this article:

XU Chao, YANG Xiaolian, YUE Min, ZHU Shu. Progress on bacteria promoting enterovirus infection and its mechanism. Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture and Life Sciences), 2018, 44(2): 140-148.

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近年来随着对肠道菌群研究的不断深入,人们对肠道菌群在人类及动物健康中的重要作用有了更清晰的认识。然而,目前的研究主要集中在营养代谢性疾病、慢性病、自身免疫病等方面,对肠道菌群在传染性疾病,特别是病毒病中的作用关注甚少。直到最近,学术界才开始对菌群与肠道病毒之间的相互作用展开系统性研究。随着相关研究的推进,肠道细菌在病毒入侵、病毒致病性及机体抗病毒免疫等方面的作用初现端倪,但其机制并未得到全面揭示。本文对近年来在细菌和肠道病毒互作方面具有高影响力的研究工作,特别是肠道病毒利用细菌促进其体内入侵的相关机制进行了综述。总体而言,细菌促进病毒体内感染的机制分为2 类:一类是提高病毒粒子稳定性及促进病毒在宿主靶细胞上的黏附作用,即通过提高病毒感染效率促进感染的直接机制;另一类是改变宿主抗病毒免疫反应的倾向性,即通过抑制宿主免疫反应促进感染的间接机制。对病毒利用肠道细菌促进体内感染的相关机制进行讨论,有助于深入理解病毒的致病机制,揭示病毒与肠道细菌相互作用的普遍规律,解析肠道病毒逃逸宿主黏膜免疫的分子机制,为新型肠道病毒疫苗及相关疫苗佐剂的研发和抗病毒治疗新方法的提出提供全新的视角和科学依据。


关键词: 肠道菌群,  肠道病毒,  病毒-细菌互作,  体内感染,  免疫调节 
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