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Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture and Life Sciences)
Biological sciences & biotechnology     
Five plant species newly recorded in Zhejiang Province, China
LIU Xi, CHEN Xianxing
(1. Management Office, Wuyanling National Nature Reserve, Taishun 325500, Zhejiang, China; 2. College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou 325035, Zhejiang, China)
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Abstract  During the course of compiling Flora of Wenzhou, Wild Plants of Baishanzu: Xylophyta Ⅱ and Flora of Zhejiang, several peculiar specimens were collected, and which cannot be classified into any species previously reported in Zhejiang Province, China. Based on further investigations and morphological comparisons, those specimens were identified as Cynanchum officinale (Hemsl.) Tsiang et Zhang, Adiantum diaphanum Bl., Onychium tenuifrons Ching, Cheilanthes opposita Kaulfuss and Pteris fauriei Hieron. var. chinensis Ching et S. H. Wu, which were firstly recorded in Zhejiang Province. The voucher specimens are preserved in the herbarium of Wenzhou University (WZU), China.
  These five newly recorded plants enrich the content of flora in Zhejiang Province and provide fundamental materials for investigation of their geographical distributions in China.

Published: 25 January 2017
CLC:  Q 949     
Cite this article:

LIU Xi, CHEN Xianxing. Five plant species newly recorded in Zhejiang Province, China. Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture and Life Sciences), 2017, 43(1): 33-36.

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报道了分布在浙江省的5个植物新记录种,它们分别是朱砂藤(Cynanchum officinale (Hemsl.) Tsiang et Zhang),长尾铁线蕨(Adiantum diaphanum Bl.),蚀盖金粉蕨(Onychium tenuifrons Ching),碎米蕨(Cheilanthes opposita Kaulfuss)和百越凤尾蕨(Pteris fauriei Hieron. var. chinensis Ching et S. H. Wu)。凭证标本保存于温州大学植物标本馆(Wenzhou University,WZU)。它们的发现丰富了浙江省植物区系的内容,为其在我国地理分布的研究提供了基础资料。
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