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Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture and Life Sciences)  2015, Vol. 41 Issue (4): 439-448    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-9209.2015.01.192
Agricultural sciences     
Effects of mixed application of effective microorganisms (EM) and soil amendments on agronomic characteristic and quality of flue-cured tobacco
Wei Kesu, Hu Tingting, Li Delun, Tu Yonggao, Yu Liangji, Tu Guangjun
(1. Guizhou Academy of Tobacco Sciences, Guiyang 550081, China; 2. Bijie College, Bijie 551700, Guizhou, China; 3. Guizhou Huitai Agriculture Co. Ltd., Guiyang 550081, China)
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Abstract  Flue-cured tobacco is a major cash crop in China. Due to the scarcity of land resources, continuous cropping of tobacco was very common all over the country. However, the continuous cropping phenomenon would lead to change of soil properties and nutrient imbalance, seriously affecting yield and economic merits of tobacco. Therefore, it was quite necessary to optimize the soil microbial environment and promote the effective absorption and utilization of fertilizers, to improve the yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco. It has been reported that soil amendments could improve the physical and chemical properties of soil, as well as the nutrient status, which could also regulate pH and organic matter of soil to increase the availability of N, P and K contents. In a word, soil amendments were effective to promote the productivity of degraded soils. Microbial fertilizer could improve the microenvironment of plant rhizosphere, by increasing the diversity of microbial species and improving growth and nutrient absorption capacity of root. 
There have been many reports about the effect of microbial fertilizer or soil amendment application on growth and development of crops, but the mixed application effect of microbial fertilizer and soil amendments was rarely mentioned. In this study, the combining effects of effective microorganisms (EM) and soil amendments on agronomic characteristic and quality of flue-cured tobacco were investigated. 
A field trial designed as randomized block was carried out to reveal the effects of EM and soil amendment treatments (T1: conventional film transplanting; T2: conventional film transplanting + EM + soil amendments; T3: well cellar type transplanting; T4: well cellar type transplanting + EM + soil amendments) on leaves, root and stem development of flue-cured tobacco during the growth period. Meanwhile, the effects of different treatments on yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco. The results showed that the mixed application of EM and soil amendments promoted the growth of tobacco plant, especially at the maturity stage. Simultaneously, the mixed application of EM and soil amendments also improved the yield and quality of tobacco leaves, and optimized the grade of tobacco leaves. The yields of T2 and T4 treatments were 1 909.31 kg/hm2  and 2 134.91 kg/hm2, which were higher than those of T1 and T3 by 5.21% and 7.13%, respectively. The output values of T2 and T4 were 29 460.69 Chinese Yuan/hm2 and 35 162.05 Chinese Yuan/hm2, higher than those of corresponding controls (T1 and T3) by 3.84% and 8.72%, respectively. For chemical composition, the mixed application of EM and soil amendments increased the contents of nicotine, potassium and chlorine, but decreased the content of total sugar in flue-cured tobacco leaves. Furthermore, the mixed application of EM and soil amendments reduced the Schmuck value and the ratio of total sugar to nicotine, increased the ratio of reducing sugar to total sugar. The treatments with EM and soil amendments enhanced the sensory quality of fluecured tobacco leaves, and the total scores of T2 and T4 increased 2.30 and 2.67, respectively, compared with the corresponding controls (T1 and T3). 
In a word, the mixed application of EM and soil amendments shows practical value not only in improving the grade of the fluecured tobacco leaves, but also improving their yields and quality.

Published: 20 July 2015
CLC:  S 144  
  S 147  
Cite this article:

Wei Kesu, Hu Tingting, Li Delun, Tu Yonggao, Yu Liangji, Tu Guangjun. Effects of mixed application of effective microorganisms (EM) and soil amendments on agronomic characteristic and quality of flue-cured tobacco. Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture and Life Sciences), 2015, 41(4): 439-448.

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为研究有效微生物群(effective microorganisms,EM)和土壤改良剂混施在烤烟生产上的效果,采用田间随机区组试验调查了混施EM菌和土壤改良剂对烤烟大田期农艺性状及烟叶产量和质量的影响.结果表明:混施EM菌和土壤改良剂可促进烟株田间长势,在烤烟成熟期表现尤为明显;在常规地膜移栽和井窖式移栽模式下,混施EM菌和土壤改良剂可提高烟叶产量并优化其等级结构,其中,产量分别达到1 909.31 kg/hm2和2 134.91 kg/hm2,较对照分别提高5.21%和7.13%,产值分别达到29 460.69元/hm2和35 162.05元/hm2,除去EM菌和土壤改良剂施用成本后,产值较对照分别提高3.84%和8.72%;在化学成分方面,混施EM菌和土壤改良剂可提高初烤烟叶烟碱、钾和氯含量,降低总糖含量、施木克值和糖碱比,提高两糖比(还原糖/总糖),降低两糖差值;混施EM菌和土壤改良剂可提高烟叶评吸质量,评吸总得分分别提高2.30和2.67.综上所述,混施EM菌和土壤改良剂在优化烟叶等级结构、提高烟叶产质量上具有实用价值.
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