Use of a coded voltage signal for cable switching and fault isolation in cabled seafloor observatories
Cabled seafloor observatories play an important role in ocean exploration for its long-term, real-time, and in-situ ob-
servation characteristics. In establishing a permanent, reliable, and robust seafloor observatory, a highly reliable cable switching
and fault isolation method is essential. After reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of existing switching methods, we
propose a novel active switching method for network configuration. Without additional communication path requirements, the
switching method provides a way to communicate with a shore station through an existing power transmission path. A coded
voltage signal with a distinct sequence is employed as the communication medium to transmit commands. The analysis of the
maximum bit frequency of the voltage signals guarantees the accuracy of command recognition. A prototype based on the
switching method is built and tested in a laboratory environment, which validated the functionality and reliability of the method.
Cabled seafloor observatories,
Cable switching and fault isolation,
Coded voltage signal,
Maximum bit frequency