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Vis Inf  2019, Vol. 3 Issue (4): 177-191    DOI: 10.1016/j.visinf.2019.10.005
Davide Ceneda, Theresia Gschwandtne, Silvia Miksch
TU Wien, Faculty of Informatics, Institute of Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology, Favoritenstrasse 9-11/193, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
You get by with a little help: The effects of variable guidance degrees on performance and mental state
Davide Ceneda, Theresia Gschwandtne, Silvia Miksch
TU Wien, Faculty of Informatics, Institute of Visual Computing &amp; Human-Centered Technology, Favoritenstrasse 9-11/193, A-1040 Vienna, Austria</span>
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摘要: 高效实现交互式可视化对用户来说是一项挑战,通常会为用户提供适当的引导来提供帮助。引导被认为是避免分析过程中出现拖延、停顿状况的有效手段。然而,对不同的分析任务,特定的引导方案并不一定都有效。相同的引导方式对具有(1)不同专业水平的用户往往具有不同的效果。所选取的(2)引导度和面向的(3)任务类型也会影响引导的功效。考虑到这些因素,本文进行了一项用户调查,分析用户对不同分析场景的先验知识如何影响不同程度引导方式的有效性。结果表明,不同任务应选用相应的引导度,引导方式对分析结果的总体影响与用户心理状态和分析能力有关。
关键词: 引导用户调查知识信任混合主动性可视化数据分析    
Abstract: Since it can be challenging for users to effectively utilize interactive visualizations, guidance is usually provided to assist users in solving tasks. Guidance is mentioned as an effective mean to overcome stall situations occurring during the analysis. However, the effectiveness of a peculiar guidance solution usually varies for different analysis scenarios. The same guidance may have different effects on users with (1) different levels of expertise. The choice of the appropriate (2) degree of guidance and the type of (3) task under consideration also affect the positive or negative outcome of providing guidance. Considering these three factors, we conducted a user study to investigate the effectiveness of variable degrees of guidance with respect to the user’s previous knowledge in different analysis scenarios. Our results shed light on the appropriateness of certain degrees of guidance in relation to different tasks, and the overall influence of guidance on the analysis outcome in terms of user’s mental state and analysis performance.
Key words: Guidance    User study    Knowledge    Trust    Mixed-initiative    Visual data analysis
出版日期: 2019-12-23
通讯作者: Davide Ceneda     E-mail:
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Davide Ceneda
Theresia Gschwandtne
Silvia Miksch


Davide Ceneda, Theresia Gschwandtne, Silvia Miksch. You get by with a little help: The effects of variable guidance degrees on performance and mental state . Vis Inf, 2019, 3(4): 177-191.


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