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Vis Inf  2019, Vol. 3 Issue (2): 87-101    DOI: 10.1016/j.visinf.2019.06.002
Junhua Lua, Xiao Xiea, Ji Lana, Tai-Quan Pengb, Yingcai Wua, Wei Chena#br#
aState Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University, China bDepartment of Communication, Michigan State University, United States
BeXplorer: Visual analytics of dynamic interplay between communication and purchase behaviors in MMORPGs
Junhua Lua, Xiao Xiea, Ji Lana, Tai-Quan Pengb, Yingcai Wua, Wei Chena
aState Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University, China bDepartment of Communication, Michigan State University, United States
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摘要: 随着大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG)的快速发展,MMORPG运营商记录了大量关于玩家在游戏中行为的细粒度数据。这些数据为研究玩家行为间的动态互动以及这些互动背后各种社会结构的作用提供了很多机会。 然而,对这些行为数据进行建模和可视化充满了挑战性。本文提出了一个新颖的影响敏感模型来分析这些行为之间的动态互动。 基于此模型,我们引入了新的可视化分析系统,BeXplorer。利用该系统,分析人员能够交互探索玩家的沟通和购买行为间的动态互动,并分析这种互动受玩家所处社会结构限制的方式。 通过三个案例研究和一个基于任务的评估,证明了本文方法的有效性和适用性。
关键词: 行为可视化游戏可视化MMORPG    
Abstract: With the rapid development of massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), a huge amount of fine-grained data on the in-game activities of players have been recorded by MMORPGs operators. These data provide considerable opportunities with which to study the dynamic interplay between player behaviors and investigate the roles of various social structures that underlie such interplay. However, it is challenging to model and visualize these behavioral data. This study proposes a novel influence-susceptible model to measure the dynamic interplay between behaviors. Based on this model, we introduce a new visual analytics system called BeXplorer. This system enables analysts to interactively explore the dynamic interplay between player purchase and communication behaviors and to examine the manner in which this interplay is bound by social structures where players are embedded. Three case studies and a task-based evaluation are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of our method.
Key words: Behavior visualization    Game visualization    MMORPG
出版日期: 2019-07-05
通讯作者: Junhua Lu     E-mail:
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Junhua Lu, Xiao Xie,  Ji Lan,  Tai-Quan Peng,  Yingcai Wu,  Wei Chen. BeXplorer: Visual analytics of dynamic interplay between communication and purchase behaviors in MMORPGs. Vis Inf, 2019, 3(2): 87-101.


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