Theoretical Research on Marx’s Social Revolutionary Thought and Its Contemporary Significance |
Fu Wenjun |
School of Marxism, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract Karl Marx was a great revolutionary theorist, whose spirit of struggle has been integrated into his life. In Marx’s view, social revolution is the supreme act of politics. Social revolution is the workers’ revolution against the capitalist mode of production and workers’ politics. Moreover, social revolution is the revolution of the proletariat to become the ruling class, and the proletariat can use its political dominance and the deterrence of power to achieve their political goals. Social revolution enables people to acquire corresponding rights. At the same time, Marx rationally analyzed the actual conditions of social revolution in the context of the industrial revolution, which is the realistic basis of social revolution. Capitalist logic drives the process of social revolution. Marx’s social revolutionary thought emphasized real action against capitalist social relations, based on the strategy of “continuous revolution” and “joint revolution”.Marx’s social revolutionary thought is constantly enriched in practice, being a logical evolutionary process of spiralling upward. Since Marx entered society, he had been considering how to defend the interests of the masses. His revolution started from “material interests”. Marx read widely in economics and analyzed economic realities of his time. His theory of alienation in labour explained the methods and ways of sublate private property. After the establishment of scientific historical materialism, Marx concentrated on the contradiction between productive forces and the forms of communication. He pointed out that the contradiction between productive forces and the forms of communication in capitalist society prompts people to carry out revolutionary actions to “change existing things”. In Marx’s contribution to the criticism of political economy, he critically analyzed the relationship between labor and capital, and through this formed the strategy of revolution eliminating private property and expropriating the expropriators.Marx’s social revolutionary thought is a total revolution in dialectical form. It advocated revolutionary ideas and actions, political and social revolutions, economic revolutions and human liberation, class revolutions and national liberation. Moreover, it included the idea of the people’s revolution incorporating historical principles. The people’s revolution was based on the reality of the time and responds to the problems of those times.Even now Marx’s social revolution can be used as the methodological guide for social criticism and social construction. On the one hand, in the process of building socialism with Chinese characteristics for this era, we should learn Marx’s social revolutionary thought and be guided by it. We can also learn his revolutionary spirit to eliminate the misunderstanding of dispelling and rejecting revolution. On the other hand, we must focus on the party and the people to carry out “self-revolution” domestically and internationally to gradually carry out social revolution .
Received: 19 January 2022
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